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Oh Crap

I stood there in the middle of the market with my back turned to the speaker. The voice harsh and commanding, yet soft. I knew immediately who it was without even turning around. I slowly turned around to face my sister Naira as she stood there with one hand on her hips and the other hanging at her side after she had removed her hands from our shoulders.

"N-Naira!" I stuttered out as I took in the angry look in her eyes and in her pale face. Naira narrowed her eyes before shaking her head and gestured for us to follow her.

"You know you aren't allowed out here without guard Illyan," Naira said as she led us back towards the manor. Her voice held a note of admonishment in it as she spoke. I hung my head as we walked along the stone paved pathway and over the bridge. I felt so guilty at sneaking out, but I have to admit, it was the most fun I've had in so many years.

"I-" I tried to speak my then I heard Naira hiss out at me and I held my tongue. Naira was a scary person when angered and I wouldn't want to mess with her in that state. I stared at my feet as we walked, the silence of Irra was unusual as she would normally be fighting with Naira about whatever the problem was. Though this time, Irra stayed quiet and that unserved me.

We finally reached the gates to the manor. Guards stood and both ends and when they saw Naira, they signaled to the tower to open the gates and let us inside. The old iron gates swung open with a groan and off inside we went. When we entered the manor, Irra and I took off our cloaks and face coverings before walking towards the foyer.

"Ilyan and Irra Evanoire!" I heard the booming voice of my father echo throughout the foyer. Looking up at the second floor balcony I noticed the tall man that was my father. He had black hair and moss green eyes like me, except he was a bit taller than I was. If you don't want to make Naira mad, then you do not want to make my father angry either.

"Father, I-" I started to say to him, but he cut me off with a growl. I immediately snapped my mouth shut and hung my head in guilt. Irra stared at the polished tile floors and didn't even move her head an inch when our father bellowed out her name.

"You two know that you need permission to leave the manor!" He boomed as he made his way down the curved, golden staircase. His footsteps echoed across the expansive room as he walked down the steps.

Fear and nervousness had begun to well up inside of me as I watched my angry father move down the staircase in a slow, nerve racking manner. I was terrified to say the least. Once he reached the bottom he crossed to stand in front of us. His eyes held anger and even a bit of fear as he stared us down. Irra kept her head tall and I held my head down - neither of us met his gaze though.

"Irra, how dare you take Illyan outside these walls without permission and without anyone guarding her?!" Father yelled as he turned to face Irra with his anger. Irra stood still and seemed to have been contemplating what to say next.

"I just thought that she needed a break from all of this seriousness for a change," Irra said in as calm and collected of a voice as she could muster up. Father just narrowed his eyes I reached back with his hand and then swung it at Irra. It hit her cheek with a loud smack as the impact sent Irra tumbling to the ground while clutching her cheek.

"You are never going stop making pathetic excuses are you?" Father sneered before turning towards me. His anger that was still seething inside of him, was clearly shown in his moss green colored eyes that matched mine so very well.

"Illyan!" He boomed before walking over to my and harshly grabbed my arm. I felt the fear rise up inside of me even more. I could feel my heart pounding and my skin began to sweat. I felt completely sick and scared and vulnerable.

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