"Its not how fast, but how far"

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      "I've got dreams bigger than my sleep" Steve Bickford.

I have dreams, bigger than the biggest mountains, taller than the tallest buildings, and even longer than the longest rivers. But you know what, my dreams are never bigger than me.

This is my daily motivation, what I tell myself after praying in the morning and before I go to bed. I always try to be positive.

      Since I was a kid, I always wanted to do anything language related, because my language was damn good. When I started my secondary education, I got my best results from language related subjects. I was happy, because I knew I was getting everything right. All these made me want to study international relations, because apart from loving language, I wanted to go places. What better life career than international relations. This excited me.

Graduating from high school, my mind was made up. With all the counseling, the excitement, and the fact that I was going to continue the phases of education, I was ready. What is not exciting about finally getting to live on your own, make your own decisions, and study for your dreams.

      Getting into college was cool, but not for me. I was not able to pass the entrance into the school for international relations. I was sad, but not broken. I decided to do something else, before I could retry the school of my dreams. I studied translations, with the hope of having a degree in it and using it to help me have a masters degree in international relations.

I studied translations through out college and finally graduated. I had not forgotten what I wanted, it was still my top priority.

When I graduated, life became tough. My mum, who was my pillar, was fighting a battle with cancer. She had been battling cancer for a long time,  but it got worst. What I had been keeping aside to sponsor my masters education, was used for her treatment. I could not continue school, I needed to get a job.

      Don't get me wrong, translation is great, I studied it for three whole years, but its not my thing. I don't feel myself as a translator. But there I was, working at a translation agency, this was possible because I had worked so hard to get better grades, so that I could get scholarships to further my education.  I had applied for some scholarships and was impatiently waiting for replies.

The emails came one at a time and everyone more disappointing than the next. I wanted a school not far from home, because I had to take care of my mum. I got accepted into four colleges. At first site, I was excited, but when I read the second time, the excitement was gone. They gave me scholarships quite alright, but not fully funded and the scholarships still left me with huge amounts of school fees to pay.

I could have worked to pay for it, but what I was doing now was only enough for my mums treatment and for our needs in the house, since my mum didn't work.

I was broken, not all dreams are reached, I just had to settle, I told myself.

      I continued with the translations agency, which was hell to me. The fact that my dreams were no where near reach, I was broken. I worked with a frown and found everything annoying. To me, that job was just a bribe for me to forget my dreams.

When all the little hope I had was lost, I decided to try my best to enjoy my job.

While at work one day, I found a book about chasing your dreams. I started reading it and then stumbled on something that changed my mindset forever. Right on the fourth page of the book, there was a quote;

"Your salary is not a bribe for you to forget your dreams, It can actually be used to fund your dreams" and that did it for me.

      Since I could not get into the colleges I was accepted in because It was already too late, I got an evening job and started saving up for my education. Nothing was ever going to bring me down, ever.

So when the year came to an end and I had finally saved some money that could take me through some time in school, I made sure to apply for scholarships early.

The emails started coming as usual, some still with low scholarships. But one came in, not actually the school of my dreams, but in my area, it was the best and I had gotten a fully funded scholarship from them. When applying, I spoke about my experience and about the quote that changed me. Seems they were impressed.

      Three years later, I'm working for one of the most prestigious, well known and one of the best companies in my country.I graduated with a masters degree last year, and  I have gone places, both for work and leisure. My mum passed away a month after I got my emails. She said she could rest because I was then getting what I deserved and she trusted me to take care of things, since I was already a grown ass woman. It hurt so bad that she was gone, but I consoled myself with the fact that she was only resting.  I only wish she was here to share in my joy with me. But I am also happy I got to achieve my dreams.

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Its not about how fast, but how far.

Hi guys, there goes the quote for today. Let me know how you feel about it and my writing in the comment section. And if you love, don't forget to vote.

Thank you

Love, Cassylove.

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