Flashback 1

277 21 9

M A R C H  2 0 2 0
P H U K E T , T H A I L A N D

Fighter opened the door of the private room of the bar and entered the room.

"Hey,Fighter,come come.We were waiting for you,"Leo Said standing with the drink in his hand.

Fighter was surprised by the atmosphere of the room.He didn't know any of the men surrounding him except Leo.It nowhere seemed liked a meeting but drinking party instead.But that was not bothering him at that moment as he was tangled with something else in his mind.

"I have come to talk to you,"Fighter said to Leo.

"Of course, of course we will talk.But let's have a drink first,"Leo said  offering a glass to Fighter.

Fighter took the glass.He did a quick check out of his surrounding.

"It's good to see you.You took a long vacation,"Leo said taking a sip of his drink.

"I was told you were in a meeting",Fighter said to Leo.

"Isn't it a meeting!"Leo said putting on a surprised look.

"Okay,I have come to say that I am leaving",Fighter said ignoring his surrounding.

"Don't worry,Fighter.I'll never say no to you.You can take as much leave as you want,"Leo said with a smile.

"I mean I quit the job,"Fighter said putting his glass in the table.

"What!"Leo looked at Fighter with large open eyes.

"Yes,"said Fighter and started to leave the room.

"Wait,Fighter.You can't do that,"Leo said in a calm tone standing from the stool and putting an ice in his drink.

Fighter turned back and looked at Leo who was then walking towards him with the glass in his hand.

"You can join my team with your decision but can leave only with my decision,"Leo said pointing his index  finger towards himself.

"I don't remember any deal like that,"Fighter said directly starring at Leo's eyes.

"I love this Fighter.You can take some more vacation,"Leo said smiling to Fighter and moved to join other people.

"I said I quit.Don't you understand?"Fighter yelled that made everyone in the room look at him.

"It's okay everyone.Young blood,you see!"Leo said to the people in the room smiling and went to Fighter.

"Take your time and rest.You need some fresh air,"Leo said patting Fighter's shoulder.

Fighter Jerked the hand from his shoulder.

"I quit and that's final,"Fighter said with his firm tone and left the room slamming the door leaving the people in the room surprised.

"It's okay people,just young blood.Carry on with your business",Leo laughed and again calmed the people.Then stared at the slammed door with cold eyes.

"Should I handle him?"Tommy whispered to Leo.

"No.Give him some time,"Leo said to Tommy still staring at the door.

"But it'll be risky,he knows too much,"Tommy said in a concerned tone.

"Don't panic,he'll calm down,"Leo smiled at Tommy patting his shoulder and moved to other people.

Tommy stared at Leo who was then talking to someone and toasting drinks.He took his phone out of his pocket.


At Fighter's house

Fighter returned home and splashed water in his face.He was growling in anger.He then went towards the fridge and took a can out of it.He opened the can,had a sip and put it on the table in anger splashing the drink on it.He took his phone and called Mark.

"Hello,Fighter,what's up?"Mark said receiving the phone.

"Let's meet,I need to talk,"Fighter said in a tone of anger.

"Ye..yeah,sure.But what happened?"Mark asked in concern.

"Where are you now?"Fighter asked.

"I just got out of the office.We can meet at the cafe,"Mark said.

"Okay,I'll be there,"Fighter said and got out of his house,started his bike and rushed there.

At the Cafe

Fighter was sitting on the chair before Mark  with a glass of water in his hand.

"You're going to quit!What will you do then?"asked stunned Mark at Fighter's decision.

"I don't know,"

"Is it even a age for retirement!Then why?Mark asked in confusion.

"I can't handle it anymore.It's getting out of my hand,"Fighter said keeping the glass on the table.

"If you're here to talk about your absurd decision of leaving a well enough job that you like to do without any reason then I'm clearly not interested,"Mark said standing up from the chair.

"I need Aof,"Fighter said staring at the glass in the table that made Mark stop and sit again.

"What's the issue?"Mark asked in deep tone.

"Leo,"Fighter looked at Mark."He is definitely up to something."

"I will contact you as soon as possible,"Mark assured Fighter and both left the cafe.

Fighter reached his house,parked his bike and went inside.

💥B O O M💥

The house got blown up and was completely on fire.

"Done,"said Robert to the person in call.

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