Meeting the sqaud

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(Skip to lunch)
P: hey guys this is my new friend lev
L: hi I'm lev nice to meet you guys
S: hi I'm sophie
Sy: hi I'm symmone
Sa: hi I'm Sawyer
A: I'm ayden
H: I'm Hayden
C: I'm claire
M: I'm Mariam
E: I'm Emily
Je: I'm Jenna
J: I'm- lev ?
L: I'm le- jentzen!!
J: yea that's me (does a bro hug)
L: it's been a while (laughs)
Squad: (confused)
L: Long story short me and Jentzen used to be best friends until I move back to Russia
Sqaud: ohhhhh
P: jentzen can I talk to you real quick
J: sure?
(They go to a corner)
P: you never told me you had a hot best friend (yells and everyone in The cafeteria hears especially lev)
P: (nervous laughs)
L: wow 😳
Then someone walks up to piper and hits her
To be continued

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