False Fire

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Hello there, and welcome to my storytime book!

This actually happened today (8/27/20)!

So, I go to a small private school. They usually have monthly field trips, but because of the pandemic, we just did a class party. We did a show-and-tell thing. I know, usually that stuff is for kindergartners, but the kids in my class have some pretty awesome stuff, along with awesome senses of humor. Some stuff that was brought was a pretty amazing coin collection, two rock collections, a digital drum set, and this morphing rubix cube type thing.

Oh, and there are three classes in the school. I don't know the exact grades, but one is for the youngest kids, I think kinder - 1st grade, a the second one is for 2nd grade - 3rd or 4th grade, and the last one is for grades 4th or 5th to... I don't actually know how high this class is gonna go. I'm their first ever high schooler...

Oh, yeah. Grade reveal (kind of)!!!

After the show-and-tell thing, we did a "snowball fight". Basically dodgeball, but with small, fluffy, white balls. We moved all the desks to the middle to form a barrier. It was pretty fun! Ezran (that's what I'll be calling my brother; it's an inside joke) started Flint Lockwood-ing this; he was screaming "snowball" on the top of his lungs (wow, that's a weird saying...) whenever he threw a ball. At one point, I was in "jail", along with our teacher. We made a mistake by making our jail where the fire alarm was...

Because our teacher bumped it and set off the alarm.

Now, this alarm is not like the "standard public school fire alarm". It still flashes lights, but instead of an ear-splitting ring, the alarm is a calm, auto-generated voice saying something like "Can I have your attention. A fire has been reported in the building. Until this is verified, please exit the building in a calm, orderly fashion. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS (which is funny; we don't have elevators)."

So, we decide to turn this into a fire drill, and do normal fire drill things. Trying not to laugh, we all file outside and meet everyone in front of the school.

Our teacher explains to everyone what happened. It becomes harder not to laugh when I see my mom's face (yes, she works at the school as our honorary substitute), as she is pretty much laughing. No one thinks our thinking it is funny is offensive or anything; I'm pretty sure we all found it funny.

We eventually head in to finish the school day (we do choir before we leave), and go throughout the rest of the day with the alarm going off because our teacher can't figure out how to stop it. I'm pretty sure it's still going off right now...

They just need to get a specific tool. It'll be fine.

Also, for some reason, I had "We Didn't Start the Fire" in my head the while time.

Hope you enjoyed the first story! PEACE ✌️

Story told on 8/27/20.

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