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My body is fighting to survive but ultimately my head will win. My brain. It is the destroyer. The killer. My body feels as if it is hovering over my real body laying on my bed. You can't outlive death or sneak past it. You just survive it until you can't anymore. It's a thing that you always think you can outrun but you can't... You come to the feeling of uselessness... Life is tough I get it but you start believing it is tougher than you... You hate yourself... You can't take it.  Your body telling you to live but your brain telling you to die.. You can't decide so you end it. You think about suffocating yourself with a pillow.. You hate the feeling. You grab your father gun while grasping it many memories of you and your father flood your mind of when he taught you to shoot. To protect yourself... Well yeah I've done a shit job on that one you think. You put the  gun away knowing it is to painful with the memories. You finally walk into the bathroom and decide you want to go out as peacefully as possible. You chose bleeding to death. You grab the knife and you Just feel a sharp pain for a bit as the blood gushes out. You  collapse  On the ground Blade  in hand. Your vision blurs. You know this is the ending you have waited so long for. You can feel yourself losing connection to the real world yet again. With one shaky breath you let your last breath of air go Knowing it will be your last. You finally slip out of  Conscience and into the abyss without your heartbeat.

 Even with your body trying so hard to survive the mind always won...

A/n sorry I haven't updated in a while I just haven't been feeling great and I had my birthday so yay. Uh yeah tootles noodles :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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