I - Ashes

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Cuphead laughed as he thwapped his father's tail before turning heel and running in the opposite direction. He was so glad that he had his father to play with the sense his brother was still too small to play any of the fun games. But that just meant that he got to spend more time with his fluffy parent.

"I got you! I got you, now you're IT!" The Devil looked down at his tail then back at the object child that scampered between Dice's legs and under the blackjack table. The Devil smirked as Dice- his husband and Cup's pops- lets out a startled squeak before shaking his head and laughing along with the gamblers at his table. It felt like their little sippy cup was getting bigger every day and it felt like Dice had just brought home a weak, half-starved mortal child just yesterday.

"Oh, I see how it is my little Hell Spawn!" The Devil cackled as he dropped on all-fours and started running after his five-year-old son. Leaving the dealers to 'deal' with the remaining customers as he ran after his child. He may be a demon, but he was still a good father. Everyone in the casino would say so. The return patrons smiled softly at the father and son as the Devil caught up to the toddler, lifting them into the air before tickling the child.

"You two having fun over here?" Dice glanced over from his table, the women that were "playing" weren't even over there to gamble anyways. They were too caught up with the baby that Dice was carrying around with him to pay attention to the number on the dice they threw, let alone pay attention to the amount of money they bet and lost because of it. King Dice knew that a casino was and is no place for children. But with no daycare or preschool set up for children like their two boys, they really didn't have much of a choice.

Cuphead smiled at his brother as his pops took him from his father's arms. He loves the little mug baby, he loves both of his dads, and he especially loves his home. Nothing made the cup boy happier than being fawned over by the patrons or watching all of the games. It was always Christmas in the casino, there's always lights flashing, laughter, and plenty to eat. Though the memory was starting to blur, Cups could still remember the pain of going hungry and the numbness that it had brought.

"Came to join in on the fun, dear?" The Devil purred, gesturing to the crops table as Dice gave him a quick peck on the lips making the demon's tail flick back and forth happily, even with their oldest son pretending to gag.

"No, it's almost dinner time for the boys." Dice simply stated before both he and the Devil kissed either of Cup's checks. The object child squealed and Mugman giggled as he booped Cup's nose, not wanting to be left out of the family moment. Dice smiled as he watched his husband and their children interact. Never in his wildest dreams would he have ever pegged the Devil to be a family man, let alone be this good with kids. But here he- the king of hell himself- was being as gentle as a kitten.

"Boss! King Dice!" The Devil growled as their family moment was ruined by a skeleton as he rushed over to them, ash falling from his exposed bone and his bowtie as he ran. "We have a situation!"

Dice shot the Devil a look before taking to kids to their personal penthouse apartment. The dice headed man knew better than to get in between the Devil and someone who blatantly dirtied his casino. It was one thing if you were a paying customer, but if you were an employee... Well, let's just say that you would gladly take vacation days to Hell just to calm down from what he would put you through.

(The Devil's pov)

I watched as my beautiful, purple-clad mate walked off with our boys- heh, our boys. I will never get used to that- before glaring at the filthy skeleton. From the way they were shaking, they knew that they had f*ck*d up.

"You mean one other than you trashing my floors?" I growled and crossed my arms as menacingly as I could. Sure I have sharp *ss horns and could use my claws to chop dozens of trees down. But I'm also covered head to hoof in thick (yet soft) fur. I bet I look like a teddy bear to them. "You had better have a good excuse for this, or you're going to take a little 'trip.'"

The skeleton's bones rattled as they shook in fear making me smirk. They knew what my 'little trips' were and they feared me because of it.

"I- I- There's a-"

"Spit it out before I decided to use your ribs as toothpicks!" The skeleton shrieked in fear as I shot up about two feet so that I towered over them.

"A skeleton fell from the sky!" The kicking of their bones worsened as lower demons began circling both of us. Waiting patiently for my signal to pounce upon the undead worker in front of me. "I- I tried to s- see if they were injured but they wouldn't let a- anyone near them, sir"

"Take me to them."

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