☁️Chocolate Kisses ☁️

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-Sunday, February 14th.-

-Author's POV-

-Tobio Kageyama's POV-

Today I woke up from my alarm, earlier than normal. I got out of bed and got dressed, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and put on deodorant.

I walked out of my room and shut tbe door behind me, walking downstairs to see my mother and father.

"Salutations, my dear." My mother said with a smile. My dad just rolled his eyes, sipping a cup of coffee and reading the news on his phone.

My mom got up from her seat at the table where she was eating at and handed me my lunch box.

"Do you know what day it is?" She asked, fixing the collar of my shirt.

"Sunday, February 14th, ####."

I responded. "Exactly." She replied.

"So go get you some ladies, my baby boy." She knew I was gay, but acts like she doesn't infront of others such as my father.

He doesn't approve, but I couldn't give a rats ass about what he wanted from me.

But I do care what he thinks of me.

I fake smiled and nodded. Like I've done every. Single. Year.

My mom handed me another bag, for breakfast of course. She hugged me before I walked out the front door, shutting it behind me.

I sighed and got on my bike, putting the bags in my basket infront of me.

I rode my bike half way to school before I was greeted by an orange shrimp.

Hinata, obviously.

"Kageyama-Kun!" He greeted. "Good morning!"

"More like rude awakening." I replied with a groan.

He went silent as he pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"Morning.." I said with a grumble.

I watched his face go from pouting to eyes shining at me. "Dammit, he's so cute..." I thought in my head. I've liked Hinata since day three of after we met.

But, I can't tell him.. but It's valentines day so I need to confess...

"Hey, Kageyama? Your face is kinda red, are you okay?" Hinata asked, expression soon turning into a worried face.

"I guess I was blushing.." I mumbled Hinata stopped on his bike and that caught me off guard, so I stopped too.

"What's a matter, Boke?" I asked. "Y-you were blushing.. Your mumbles are quite loud.. were you thinking of someone..?"

"Shit." I thought. "Maybe, maybe not." I said with a soft yet stern voice.

"O-oh..." He said looking down, did me liking someone affect him? No, it couldn't be that.

I got off my bike and put the kickstand down so it wouldn't fall and walked over to Hinata, who was still on his bike.

I hugged him.

Right there..

I just hugged him..

"H-Huh?!" He stood in shock and then wrapped his arms around me, which made me flinch.

"What's this for?" He giggled. "You just looked like you needed it okay!" I yelled. He sighed with relief and hugged me tighter.. why? I don't know.

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