Broken 💛

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The party is going great we were just having fun, I hadn't seen Ryland very much but I supose he just is with the boys since I have been keeping him pretty busy but we were about to cut the cake, so I needed to go find him. I had looked everywhere for him but couldn't find him, so I went up to our room and found him...

Recap over

Him and Coco, she was leaning over him about to kiss him, and then she did. I couldn't watch anymore I just ran. I cant believe what I saw, he wouldn't do this would he? My heart shattered, I've been heartbroken before I just never expected it to be him to break it. I just wanted to run away from here but I couldn't we still had to cut the cake. I know the cake wasn't that big of a deal but people had come all this way and Maddy took days off and I hardly ever see her. And it was for my baby, which was more important to me than anything else.

I just shouted for him too come down stairs for the cake, he just smiled at me, I want to say something so bad but I kept it together for the sake of everyone else. The cake was in front of us, and he was just smiling did he not feel bad for any of what he has done?

Addison was cutting hers first, I was so excited to know what she was having, her and Bryce picked up knife to cut the cake. It was blue they are having a boy, aw Bryce will be so happy, he looked like he was about cry and Addison was just smiling loads because she was obviously so happy.

Now it was our turn, I cant wait for everyone to find out, we picked up the knife together, his touch made me feel so warm but broken at the same time, our hand was nearing the cake my head was going a million miles per hour think about what will happen to us and our baby. We sliced they cake through, and it was pink for our little girl, my eyes teared up even though I already knew this. Ryland picked me up and span me around, he put me down and I excused myself form talking to him and went over to Dixie and asked he to leave with me and I tell her why in the car. I got her to go tell Ryland we are leaving so he doesn't worry, even though i'm pretty sure he wont care.

I was waiting for Dixie in the car, I wasn't sure where we were gunna go but i just needed to be away from here, form him. She finally got in, he eyes looked at me with pity I guess she could tell this wasn't a good thing. We started driving i wasn't sure exactly where she was talking me but i trusted her of course. I started to explain the story, to be honest I was crying because it hurt so much. It felt good to get it off my chest but now I just wasn't sure where to go from here.

NEW IMPORTANT READ THIS- Right so the book ends here a cliffhanger I know and the new book will be out soon!

Please vote in the comments so I know, and the second book wont come out for a bit but it wont be for a bit. So follow me to get updates on when that will come out so you and read it! Also go check out my other books! And comment any ideas like normal

Love Amaia xoxoxoxoxo

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