Chapter 3: Mission Not So Possible

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I've been waiting in the dorm for 15 minutes now, this girl is about as good at time keeping as she is at keeping quiet. Maybe I made a mistake. If she ruins this for me I'm so going to kill her, not literally, I'm not a maniac but she will be sorry.

"Hiiii! Sorry I'm late! I had to give my professor some much needed fashionnn adviceee!" she practically screams at me in her annoying high-pitched squeal. She's definitely going to make me regret this, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

"Mhm. Hi. Let's go." I say sounding a lot less exasperated than I feel.

Around 2o minutes later

If this is what Ted Bundy felt like then I might feel inclined to feel sorry for the guy. Trying to cover up your tracks is so damn exhausting. I'm guessing he didn't have much help though, you can tell the guy was more a lone wolf type than a "partners in crime" kind of person. Oh the irony. I would've never expected to have a "partner in crime", though the partner in question has no knowledge of this, but I think it still counts.

It's funny how life works. Sometimes you get dealt some shitty cards and you have to make one of two choices; either suck it up and get on with it or wallow in self-pity. I for one have chosen the option prior to the latter.

It's now time to put my plan into action. We've got the stuff, though Amber has no idea what the stuff is, but I couldn't have done this without her. Soon I'll be home free. Now, all I've got to do is figure out how to hide the bodies without Amber seeing, because I'm pretty sure if she found out what we're actually here for, she'd probably call the cops or something and I can't have that. So, since I don't want to kill her, I'm going to have to somehow make sure she doesn't see, but I also need her help with this. God, ugh, this is a dilemma.

"Amber." I say as nonchalantly as I can.

"Yes?" she says sounding hopeful. Though, I'm not sure what she's hoping I'm going to say, but I'm pretty sure it isn't what I'm about to ask her.

"Can you do me a favor?" I say looking into her eyes for the first time since I met her.

"Of course! Anything! What is it?" she says in an excited rush, as if her words will run away from her if she doesn't say them fast enough.

"Can you wear this? Just put it around your eyes and don't take it off for anything." I say while handing her a small scarf. She looks at me with a puzzled look on her face for half a second, but then she still takes the scarf without any questions, puts it around her eyes and I quickly walk behind her, and tie it in a knot so tight I'm surprised her eyes didn't pop out and roll through the woods.

Now, we're all set. It's time.

I carefully guide her through the woods by gently pushing on her back. We manoeuvre through the trees and logs and other woodsy things, right up until I see a good spot for a hole, or well I guess you could call it a grave, as that's basically what I'm using it as. Then, I quickly put my hand on her shoulder to indicate that she should stop, which she does fairly quickly.

"Can I take it off now?" she says while reaching for the makeshift blindfold.

"No! I mean, no not yet. Just a little bit longer then you can take it off, okay?" I say trying my utmost to sound calm.

"Um, yeah, okay sure." she says and for the first time she sounds tentative. I think she might actually be somewhat scared now, but that might be useful.

Time for the hole. How am I going to do this? I can't dig it on my own, we'd be here forever. Well, I'll think of something, I always do.

"Hey, Amber, put your hand out for a sec." I say, suddenly knowing exactly what I have to do.

"Okay...." she says sounding even more hesitant than before, but she still puts her hand out for me, and I carefully place the shovel in her outstretched hand.

"Now, without questioning why, dig." I say in an extremely flat tone. She doesn't say a word but does exactly what I told her to do. After about 30 minutes, there's a lovely grave-sized hole, and now the game is on. Time to dispose of the carcasses.

I quickly grab the trash bag I'd brought with me and tip them out into the hole, and then I take the sand and water and gently pour it over them. Then, I tap her hand that's still holding the shovel to tell her that it's time to shovel the dirt back onto the newly dug grave, and she does just that. After the grave has been completely covered, I take the shovel from her hand and use it to flatten the grave til you can't tell that anyone ever dug it to begin with.

"You can take it off now." I say calmly, and she hurriedly scrabbles to get it off. In the end I had to help her untie the makeshift blindfold. I saw she was about to speak and so I shook my head and put my finger to my lips to tell her to be quiet. In the figurative and literal sense, I'm almost out of the woods. Well....or so I thought.

What do I see when we have finally left the woods? A cop. No, actually that's incorrect. Multiple cops. We're surrounded. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What now? This is not how it was supposed to go. How did they find me? I glance at Amber but she looks both terrified and surprised, so I doubt it could've been her.

Both myself and Amber end up handcuffed and in the back of a squad car. If I ever find out who did this, they'll pay. I'll make sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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