First Day of School

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    The first day of school for Evelyn is like the first day of non-stop boredom and torture. She could be at home with her cat Selena and be learning spells and potions, but no she has to go to school and learn Calculus. The number one reason why she doesn't like school though is because of Sarah Winter. Ever since Kindergarten, Sarah had always had it out for Evelyn and Evelyn never knew why. Each year, she would try to humiliate Evelyn in front of the whole school.
    At an assembly in the fifth grade, Evelyn won an award for perfect attendance and when she was walking down the stands to get her award, Sarah tripped her and she tumbled down the rest of the stands (which was 9 steps) and landed on bottom. She had a big bruise on her right knee and butt. Everybody was pointing and laughing at her and she felt humiliated. So she went over to the principal (who was giving her the award), grabbed the certificate, and stormed out of the assembly to the girls bathroom. She went to the farthest stall and slammed the door. She sat on the toilet and cried. She wanted to cast a spell on Sarah so bad, but if she did, not only would she be putting her family in danger, but she would get her witch powers removed by the Council of Witches.
    The end of the day bell rang and she got up and went to her locker. She did her combination and opened it up to find a stinky milk carton in there. She rolled her eyes and threw it behind her and grabbed her backpack and coat. She went to the buses and got on bus 13 and sat in seat 13 and put her earbuds in and listened to "Smells like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana on repeat.
    Evelyn wanted to make this year the best because it was her final school year. She put on her favorite black dress, boots, and choker and went downstairs to her mother looking at her phone and cooking pancakes. "Hi sweetie! I'm making your favorite pancakes. Chocolate pancakes with chocolate chips with strawberries and whipped cream on top," Scarlett said. "Thanks mom," Evelyn said while putting everything she needed for school in her backpack. Evelyn sat down at the table while her mother did the final touches on the pancakes. "You are one of the best mothers ever. You know that right?"Evelyn asked. " Well I don't know about best, but I try," Scarlett said, "Make sure you keep eating because the bus schedule has changed and will be here earlier". "I'll be fine Mom," Evelyn said with a mouthful of pancakes. Scarlett looked out the window and said "Actually the bus is here right now and it's about to leave. Evelyn quickly shoved half the pancakes in her mouth, grabbed her backpack, hugged her mom goodbye, and sprinted towards the bus but the bus was already leaving. So much for starting the best year ever right.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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