Prompt 2

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Prompt: Someone you know has been framed for murder and is now in prison. Write your interaction when you visit them there and have to speak with the phones and glass between you. Maybe include what their first night in prison was like. ~ Death

Vocab word: Nevertheless

A.N. I apologize ahead of time for the length of this and if it sounds rushed. I got a little ahead of myself when I came back to finishing this. A part of me hopes this is nice but since I didn't make it a part two it's really long.

"You may sit and use the phone to speak with the prisoner." I inwardly glare at his horrible choice of words, but instead of a snarky comment I listen to his instruction. It's my first time visiting someone in prison because I never had someone to visit who was as important to me as the person I was meeting this day.

Eliza was already sitting on the other side of the glass barrier. She weakly smiles at me, the despair evident in her red puffy eyes. It breaks my heart to see her in such a state.

I smile back at her and take my seat as I hadn't realized I was still standing. At the same time we both reach for our respective phones. I urge her with my eyes to speak first, afraid my voice will crack from holding back my tears.

"Daisy, thank you for visiting and believing in me. I'd be lost without you. I honestly don't believe anyone other than you will come to see me." She starts but I stop her.

"Don't thank me until I get you out of here. I'll get you out of here so soon that you won't need anymore visitors. Eliza, I promise I won't stop until I get you out of here." I say, determination written on my face.

Eliza returns my expression with one of worry instead of happiness. "Daisy, I know and trust that you can prove my innocence but I don't want you to get hurt from doing so. Please be careful of who you trust and don't overwork yourself. If you can't do it before my next court date I'll do my best to be okay. As long as I don't get in trouble, I'll be fine."

"During the day I asked if I could have a pen and paper, they gave me some but I had to write in front of them. So in the library I wrote a letter to you. I didn't know whether I would be able to give it to you personally so I asked the head guard to send it out this morning. It should be on it's way to you now. I knew we wouldn't be able to talk about the case here since you're not a cop so I put all that I know in the letter. Don't forget to read it when you get it."

''It's about that time for this visitation to be over. You are welcome to come tomorrow if you so wish." The guard from earlier spoke up.

Eliza sighs and lifts her hand to the glass. Although my hand is smaller I put my hand up to match hers on my side of this invisible terror. With this barrier blocking us our hearts, feelings, and eyes are the only things connected. We don't even need to say goodbye because we know that this is not 'goodbye' but a 'see you soon' instead. I get up and slowly leave, my eyes never leaving Eliza's until we can't see each other anymore.

The drive back home was quiet but filled with so many thoughts. Where do I start? I'll have to wait until I receive Eliza's letter, I really don't know much about what happened because I wasn't there. I really wish I had gone to meet her like I was supposed to.

*Flashback on Daisy's side of the story.*

I frantically run around my apartment trying to quickly decide which of my items I could keep and which ones had to be thrown out. I had waited til the last minute to pack the last of my things so that I could fully move in with Eliza.

"I'm sorry I'm such a horrible friend. I should've been done packing!" I yelled through the phone to Eliza who was on speaker phone.

"It's ok we can just bring everything over tomorrow. Don't worry about it and just pack." She replied in a barely audible voice. I was too far away to fully understand what she had said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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