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Jon's POV

Everyone was on their toes about the latest happenings and to be honest, I was scared to death. I had tried to talk to the cops to let me go but they refused. I didn't want to draw wrong suspicion to myself so I stopped bothering them.

Jay was miserable, last night I wanted to go talk to him in his room but as I made to knock, I could hear him crying so I left him alone.

Kate's death was still a mystery. She was found in an alleyway and she was buried the second day.

Leo's was still under investigation and they were getting absolutely nowhere.

I flopped on the bed and said a quick prayer.

"Help us find Kayla, Lord"

                   * * * * * * * *
Lewis POV (formerly unknown POV)

Her head drooped lifelessly after the second bang of the shoe against her head.

I gripped my hair and bit back a loud scream. I had hurt her, the love of my life. I ran my hand over her pretty face and kissed her perfect lips.

She was still unconscious her entire body sat limply in the chair.

I paced in the closet. How could I be so stupid? She was gonna try to escape for sure but seeing her making for the door desperately, I couldn't think of another plan but to knock her out. She had asked to use the bathroom that was why I had untied her in the first place.

Her eyes had shown pain and weakness before fluttering close and now, they were plaguing my conscience.

I had never meant to hurt her. I wanted to show her that I loved her but I had started out wrong. I fingered her face gently and she whimpered, waking up.

"My love" I whispered, scooting close to her.

She shied away from me and I held her hand.

"it's okay.. I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. You know I love you. I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad" I begged.

She looked at me with disgust and my insides broke into pieces. Of course, she'd be disgusted. No girl would want an abusive man.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. If you hadn't tried to run away, I wouldn't have hit you" I defended.

She grunted, tears stood in her blue eyes and guilt stabbed me deep.

My babe was crying.

"Please don't" I wiped the tears from her face and stood up, an idea popping into my mind.

I would make it up to her. I unbuckled my trouser and she looked on, her eyes widening.

"Don't anticipate that much, blue eyes" I teased and when her eyes squeezed shut,i knew it was the right idea. She loved it.

Whenever Kate and I had issues, we always made up with sex and I was going to do the same to Kayla.

I grabbed her and she struggled fiercely. I didn't understand. I was trying to apologize.

I over powered her and forced my mouth on hers,cutting off her breath.

In a minute, she went limp again and I undressed her.

She was so beautiful. I smiled before settling on her. I wanted it to be special for us.

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Kayla's POV

Pain ransacked my body as I tried to stretch. My eyes flitted open and adjusted to the darkness of the closet. I sobbed heartbroken, Jay was the only man I'd ever been with and Lewis had changed that. I felt so disgusted and anger coursed through me. I pressed a long fingernail into my skin and screamed... letting it all out.. I felt so angry .... I didn't deserve this!

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