Four: Meet Me in the City

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"Meet Me in the City" - The Black Keys (originally by Junior Kimbrough)

Meet me, oh momma, in the city
And see everything's is so fine
We'll get together now, darling
Oh yes we will
We'll make everything alright
Now honey don't
Oh honey don't
Please, please don't leave me right now, baby
Right now, right now
Oh no no no


Aurora has been in love before.

She met Michael when she was nineteen, he was twenty-six – and they dated for four years.

Aurora had liked Michael straight away. She saw him and knew he was exactly what she wanted because he had a way about him that felt important. He was always so sure of himself, he was good at making people laugh, and the majority of the time, he made Aurora feel loved. She didn't always feel like Michael took her seriously, but she never entirely blamed him for that. She was much younger than him and she's never felt sure of herself in a way that goes beyond physical beauty anyways.

Sometimes she felt like the girlfriend equivalent of a trophy wife. Sometimes she wasn't sure if Michael cared about the music she listened to, or the books she read, or really anything that was going on in her head. Again, she never blamed him, because sometimes she felt the exact same way about herself. More often though, a lot of what Michael did, made it feel like Aurora was the center of his universe.

She had loved Michael. And sometimes, she finds herself missing certain aspects of their relationship.

She liked that they could go out to dinner or to a show or any public outing, and not have cameras of cellphones pointed in their direction. She liked that she could kiss Michael whenever she felt like it. She liked that he was quick to call her his girlfriend, and that he always introduced her to his friends as such.

Aurora loved Michael, but after four years they reached a point where their relationship just didn't make sense anymore. Michael was thirty at that point and age had never felt like a big deal before, but suddenly Aurora was starting feel the difference even though in many other ways it didn't make sense. She thinks it's because she grew up and started seeing the cracks in their dynamic, in their relationship. Michael also stopped making her feel loved more and more. Something that Aurora felt deeply, as she thrives with the attention on her. There was also a new pressure in their relationship – a pressure for Aurora to figure it out and she never handled that well.

When it came down to it, Aurora and Michael just realized that they weren't meant to be something that lasted forever. Even if they did love each other.

Aurora has been in love before, but, she's not sure Harry has.

She's also not sure that he is in love now. Not that she's dared to say it to him first herself.

Time keeps moving forward and while some aspects of her relationship with Harry seem to be doing the same, other parts are at a standstill. It feels like the both of them are avoiding any conversation of actual substance when it comes to the feeling of love and idea of true commitment. Harry also tends to change the subject whenever Aurora asks anything about the specifics of their relationship – like if it's okay for her to say that he's her boyfriend.

Aurora doesn't entirely fault Harry for this. She knows there is a lot of his mind and that he is in a time of his life where important decisions are being made. Plus, it's not exactly easy to be in a real relationship with someone when you're not in the same part of the world a decent amount of the time. She also knows Harry well enough at this point that it's become obvious that while Harry doesn't like being alone, and while he isn't afraid to be vulnerable in a lot of ways, he isn't always the best at communicating and will sometimes just retreat to himself instead.

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