Just Helping Out

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(Y/n)'s POV

Ah, the beautiful region of Galar, where corvisquires fly through the air and giant Pokémon stomp around, causing chaos wherever they go. I've lived here for all my life and managed to amass quite the team if I do say so myself. Though, I've only bothered to take on the champions once, after I was defeated I just decided to focus on training.

I had set up camp in the wild area after a long day of training.

(Y/n): alright guys, time for a break.

After making a fire, I let my team out of their balls.

(Y/n): 🎵 I've got a lovely bunch of poke balls, do-do-do-do-do, here they are all sitting in my bag, doo-doo-doo. Ultraball, Loveball, all as big as my hand. Give em a toss, your battle is lost, that's how the story ends 🎵

I let out my Pokémon and watched as they ran around playing.

Bullet the scizor and Buzz the toxicity immediately began racing as Ace the lucario went to meditate underneath a tree. Midnight the crowbat flew up to a tree branch where she promptly took a nap. Ruby the sableye was just playing with a ball while Snowflake the snom snuggled up to my side.

I laughed as all of them just did their own thing and petted Snowflake's head. I began looking through my bag, trying to think of what to make for supper, when a voice came from behind me.

???: oh, hey (y/n). Didn't expect to see you here.

I turned and saw a familiar head of orange hair with heart shaped clips in it.

(Y/n): oh, hey Sonia.

(Y/n): what're you doing here?

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(Y/n): what're you doing here?

Sonia: ya know...research. What about you?

(Y/n): well, we just got done with training for today, so we're taking a break.

Ruby ran up to Sonia who rubbed the top of her head with a smile.

Sonia: oh, by the way, thanks for helping me out with those power spots the other day. I would've done it myself, but my gran was giving me an earful again

(Y/n): don't worry about it, I was happy to help.

Sonia: well, I've gotta get going, see ya later.

(Y/n): later, Sonia.

I smiled as she walked away before turning back to my team, only to see them all staring at me with a sort of teasing

(Y/n): WHAT?!

They just went back to whatever they were doing, but I knew what they were thinking.

To be honest, I have liked Sonia for a while now, and my team definitely knew that, given that I'd occasionally help Sonia with her research. So they'd just poke fun at me for the fact that it was so obvious.

Anyway, I made curry for supper before we all turned in for the night.

The morning after, I made my way to Hulbury. However, over night I kinda lost track of Midnight and Ace. I wasn't too worried, they've run off to do their own things before and managed to find their way back to me without any problems.

So I was just walking down the street, when I heard my phone ding. I took it out of my pocket, it was a text from Sonia.

Sonia: I'd love to.

I was a little confused for a few seconds. She could've just texted the wrong person, but apparently that wasn't the case. I began to hear the flapping of wings, I looked up and saw Midnight carrying Ace by his shoulders.

They landed and Ace walked over to me.

(Y/n): alright, where have you two been?

Ace handed me a piece of paper. I took it.

(Y/n): what's this?

He stayed silent. I looked at the piece of paper in my hand, and in terrible, but still readable, handwriting it read "would you like to go to a movie tonight?"

My eyes widen as I realized what this was. I looked at Ace and Midnight.

(Y/n): you didn't.

Ace smiled and nodded, basically telling me "you're welcome". I took their poke balls out of my bag and they both went back in. I just facepalmed and sighed.

(Y/n): looks like I'm heading to Wedgehurst tonight.

That night

I arrived in Wedgehurst for my "date" with Sonia and made my way over to her place. As I approached, I found her waiting out side. She turned to me and smiled before walking over.

Sonia: hey, you ready to go?

I took a moment to look at her. It looked like she really tidied up for this.

(Y/n): uh yeah, let's get going.

We left for the movie theater and took our seats after arriving. After watching the always agonizing previews, the movie began. About halfway in I felt Sonia moving closer to me. I didn't think much of it until I felt her lean her head against my shoulder. I flinched a bit before looking down at her and saw her smiling.

I chuckled a bit then turned my attention back to the movie. When the movie had ended, me and Sonia decide to get dinner, where we both just talked about the movie, as well as some of her research.

After that we went for a walk in the park and just talked for a little while longer. Just then Sonia paused for a second

Sonia: hey (y/n)...

(Y/n): yeah?

Sonia: did you send Ace and Midnight to give me that note or was that their doing?

(Y/n): ugh, that was all their idea.

Sonia: well, that explains the handwriting.

(Y/n): ha, yeah. But it's not like I didn't want to do this.

Sonia: me neither.

Me and Sonia walked arm in arm to her house. After arriving back home, Sonia turned to me with a big smile.

Sonia: I had a great time.

(Y/n): ha, well I'm happy you had fun.

Just then, Sonia stood up on her tip toes and pressed her lips to mine before separating and quickly stepping inside, only stopping to turn around with a smile.

Sonia: see ya tomorrow.

(Y/n): uh, see ya.

She closed the door and I just stood there for a moment, trying to process what just happened. I turned to leave, only to see Ace with that same look from last night.

(Y/n): oh, shut up...wait, how'd you get outta your ball?

Just Helping Out (Sonia X Male Reader) OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now