Goodbye Derek...

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Hello! This is something I thought of i wrote it and I'm going to post the first chapter you guys tell me if your want me to continue the story, anyway enjoy!

Sitting alone on the bench I go through all the recent events in my mind, the whole werewolf thing, happy and not so happy memories flash in my mind. Leaning back on the bench sighing, 'I've done so much for the pack I literally nearly killed myself for Scott, but it's as if all of that had been forgotten along with me...while being possessed I killed. Killed innocent people including A-Allison.' I tense at my thought my breath begins to quicken as I struggle to breathe, a panic attack is forming quickly but I push it down. 'Ever since then Scott, Lydia, even my own farther started to ignore me hate me, the only one that hasn't is well Derek...I know right. Well technically he didn't have any sort of connection to Allison so it didn't affect him but he also doesn't blame me for her death, saying that I wasn't in control and to be honest I really needed that...Derek and I talk almost daily now both realizing that it helps we understand eachother...' Checking the time I jump up cursing loudly, 'it's past my curfew dad is going to kill me!' Running to my jeep I jump in and quickly drive home.

Slowly opening the front door I creep in silently closing the door behind me, I make it to the stairs before a bottle is smashed right beside me, I tense a bit of the glass flying and landing in my arm 'oh yeah, I forgot to mention, he's started drinking again and alcoholic dad is not the best dad...' I turn and face him and freeze my dads face is contorted in rage and he starts shouting "IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M LIKE THIS STILES! IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT I WENT BACK TO ALCHOL ALL YOU EVER CAUSE IS MISCHIEF! I CAN'T EVER LOOK AT YOU WITHOUT THINKING OF YOUR MOTHER OR ALLISON OR ALL THOSE INNOCENTS YOU KILLED! I HATE YOU STILES I REALLY DO, I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT!" After he finishes his rant he turns around and proceed to pass out on the sofa. So many emotions flow through me not being able to pick one, I'm not sure if I'm crying or screaming all I know is my body taking over rushing up the stairs pulling out a duffel bag and shoving all my clothes inside. Closing the duffel bag I grab my backpack shoving my laptop phone and charges inside along with a stash of money that I kept saved for times like this, swinging the bags onto my shoulders I rush down stairs sparing no glances to my passed out farther grabbing the keys to my jeep I rush out the door throw my things into the jeep and drive.

I was planning on leaving Beacon hills straight away but I stopped and turned the car around heading towards Derek's loft...'I need to tell him I'm leaving, I don't want him to think that I was kidnapped by wolves or anything else, and as to where I'm leaving to...New York of course where else all I want to do now is leave Beacon hills and start a new life in New York...But that if course means leaving Derek, I mean I can visit him but it won't be the same...' Pulling up outside Derek's loft I step out the jeep and knock on the door. I didn't take long for Derek to answer he swung open the door his trademark glare ready to attacked, Derek looked at me and his eyes softened and I smiled. "What's up Stiles why are you here so late?" Derek asked confused looking at me up and down to see if I have and injuries, my smile turns into a frown and I look Derek straight in the eyes "I'm leaving Beacon hills." I stated in a firm tone letting him know I made my decision. Derek instantly frowns trying to find something to say, he couldn't think of anything so I just continued "I already have everything packed in my jeep, I'm going to New York I have the money I want to start a new life Derek. A life were no one hates me..." I look at Derek's face he nodded slightly showing he agreed "you could come with me you know..." I ask quietly his eyes lit up for a split second before dulling, "I really do want to Stiles, you know I do...But I can't I have a pack to look after. I really don't want you to leave but you deserve a good life I'm actually happy that you want me to be part of it and I really do but I can't...I'm sorry Stiles..." Derek grumbled his eyes showing guilt I sigh and smile to Derek reassuringly "I get it Derek, your the Alpha you have resposibilites even if you don't want them, I promise you that as soon as I have settled down I will come back and I'll tell you all about it!" I promise and he smiles "I'll hold you to that Stiles..." Derek pulls me into a bone crushing hug before letting go, "goodbye Stiles" Derek say his voice uncertain "goodbye Derek..." I reply my voice wavering as I step into my jeep Derek's eyes staying fixed on me the jeep roars to life as I drive away tears slowly going down my face.

Nearing the sign that read "Thank you for staying at Beacon hills!" I took a shaky breath 'no turning back now' looking out the mirror I notice two black cars approaching heading straight towards me. 'Shit, are they planning on crashing into me!?' I speed up and try my best to get out of the way but it was no use 'god damnit I'm going to get hit!' The cars rammed into my precious jeep glass flies everywhere as the jeep rolls onto the ground my vision blurred as I struggled to keep my consciousness, voices of two men draw closer speaking English with a heavy Russian accent, the door to my jeep was ripped off and the two men looked inside "That's the target, Stiles Stillinski, he seems to be unconscious we will bring him to you soon." The men spoke in Russian but I was able to understand, I decided to teach myself Russian as the language fascinated me, knowing I couldn't run I let myself succumb to unconsciousness.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

I watch Stiles leave sadness washing over me, 'I should tell the pack that Stiles has left I don't know how they will react especially Scott he and Stiles were especially close. ' I call everyone and tell them to gather for a pack meeting in my loft, no one refuses and soon a barrage of knocking was coming from his door. Opening the door everyone comes in taking a seat waiting patiently for me to start, I take a seat facing all of them and begin "Stiles has left Beacon hills...For good." I say slowly taking in everyone's facial expression but surprisingly nothing changes, Scott leans back into the sofa as if relaxing? "Finally I thought he would never leave, we can celebrate later. Derek tell us what the actual issue is." Scott say and everyone else nods and Lydia smiles. Confusion and anger rise in me "do you all think this?" I ask silently pleading they don't but they all smile and nod. Anger and realisation hit me and I quickly stand up and rush to get a duffel bag. Scott and Lydia look at me in confusion "Derek, what are you doing...?" Scott asks approaching with Lydia. 'I was such an idiot!' I begin throwing clothes in the bag "Wait Derek what are you doing?" Scott asks watching me chuck clothes into the bag, "I'm leaving" I simply state closing the duffel bag throwing it over my shoulder I ignore all of Scott and Lydia's questions and grab my keys heading for the door. A hand grabs my shoulder forcing me to stop "Derek wait! Explain what's going on, why are you leaving us your pack?" Scott asks growling slightly I snap my head towards him sending him an icy glare he quickly let's go "you are not my pack anymore. You don't deserve to have one, Stiles did so much for you he literally nearly killed himself for you Scott! And this is how you treat him? I'm going after Stiles and if you stop me...I will kill you." I finish my small rant ignoring everyone's stunned faces I get into my car and begin to drive towards the exit of Beacon hills.

Nearing the sign I suddenly slam onto the brakes, Stiles jeep was upside down I tear myself out of the car and run towards the jeep "Stiles! Stiles can you hear me?! Are you in there?" Searching through the jeep I see no signs of Stiles all I find is his bags and a note? Walking back to my car I place Stiles bags in the back seat and carefully open the letter 'dear whoever reads this two black cars are charging at me full speed, I'm guessing that they are going to take me so I left something to track my scent please give this note to Derek Hale.' Anger wells up inside of me but I push it down 'Stiles needs me, I can't get distracted' I grab the piece of cloth from the letter noticing it was a piece of his clothing. Starting the car I sniff the cloth 'dont worry Stiles I will find you...'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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