The right four-Patton

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TW: cussing

In a room filled with the light of the setting sun filtered by a large tree outside, sits six teens. Four are clustered around a messy table looking at a stack of files. The other two are crouching over a chess board. The one in a leather jacket throws his hands back as he growls in frustration.

"Gurls in the time it has taken ya'll to narrow it down to ten this B*tch has bet me six times at chess." That is Remy Philup the son of Princess Aurora. He is short but wears heels so it's hard to tell. He has brown hair that  often is left how he woke up. He may have his father's hair but he definitely got his mothers eyes. The light blue stands out from his brown hair and very tan skin. That is if one is lucky enough to see them. Remy normally wears dark aviator sunglasses making it nearly impossible to see his eyes. The son of Aurora also wears a decent amount of leather. Remy is the resident caffeine addict.  

"And twice at checkers." States the duke across from Remy, one of the Charming twins. He is average height with his blond hair dyed black except for one streak over his left eye. His eyes are brown like his father's. Remus Charming is a trouble maker. He is a duke because his twin brother is the prince. Remus is just fine with not being heir to the throne. Remus tends to wear black and green. He has also grown a mustache.

" Are ya'll too focused to care that I've been beaten at chess by the B*tch with the worst grades on campus?" Remy paused then shared a worried look with Remus. Remy has cussed twice now and Patton hadn't scolded him. 

It was very strange for the red headed prince to let anyone cuss around him. Patton Sea is the third son of Ariel. Third of six. He is the only of his siblings that inherited his mother hair. He also has green eyes. Patton is the shortest prince in the room and he wears mostly baby blue and gray.

Patton is standing over the table looking at the files in distress. They had narowed the selecton down to six choices. Jasmine Grimhilde, Fredric Westergaard, Cora De'Vile, Logan Brimstone, Candy Hart, and Harry Hook. 

"Okay Patton you want both Jasmine and Logan because they grew up together?" Roman asked Patton. Roman Charming is Remus's twin brother. Roman's blond hair is always perfectly styled and his chocolate brown eyes always seem to sparkle. Roman is the same height as his twin but he wears heeled boots that give him a couple of inches. Roman wears mostly white and red with a little gold. He has been Patton's friend since freshmen year and now as seniors the two are nearly inseparable. So when Patton said he wanted to bring over kids from the Isle of the lost Roman reluctantly agreed to help. Granted at the time he didn't know that there are over fifty possible choices. 

"Yes." Patton stated

"and you want Logan over why?" Roman asked frowning at Logan's file. Logan Brimstone is the son of Hades and to Roman is wasn't a good idea to release a demigod of the underworld.

"According to to his file Logan still goes school. That's more than most of the rest." Patton answered.

"So Grimhilde and Brimstone are a yes?" The fifth teen in the room asked. She stood at 6 foot 6 has one side of her brown hair shaved, the rest brushing her shoulders. Brooklynn is the daughter of Belle and her beast. B's eyes are hazel and her skin is very very tan. She has her mother brains and her fathers strength, fortunately she also has her mother mild temper. 

"I guess." Patton sighed.

" Two down two to go." Roman stated.

"So Hook, Yay or nay?" B asked.


"According to his file he is possibly unstable and has publicly killed some one." Roman pointed out, "Do we want a known killer on campus?"

"well no but.." B cut Patton off

"Sea, Charming is right, if Hook is unstable we may not be able to help him before he hurts someone." she explains

"oh okay, so Harry is off the table." Patton said as he slid harry's file into the growing discard pile.

"Now  Westergaard?" Roman asked

"No." B said

"I don't think so." Patton agreed

"That was simple, so Logan, Jasmine, Candy and Cora!" Roman announced and flung his hands up in a dramatic fashion simultaneously knocking the bowl of chips out of the hands of the last occupant of the room.Chrysanthemum is Snow White's daughter or that's what the world thinks. Chrys's friends know that Chrys (Chris) is gender fluid. Snow has a reputation of making Chrys uncomfortable and quite. After Florian died Snow became almost obsessed with Chrys and how the word sees them. Snow is overbearing of Chrys. Chrys is more like her father. outdoorsy, free spirited, brave, but unlike either parent she is slow to trust. Chrys has brown hair and eyes. Chrys also has a very round face.

"Wow Roman way to pick on the sweet one." Remy drawled from his spot by the chess board.

"Sorry Chrys, i didn't mean to I just.." B cut Roman off.

"It's fine...Pat you okay?" She asks as Chrys bent under the table to clean up.

"Well it's that then we'd have three girls and one boy. shouldn't we have two and two? its like we need a guy who..." Patton trailed off.

"Is an only child,with no known crimes, appears to be a loner, and is a teenager?" Chrys's voice came from under the table.

"Yes, How did you know?" Patton asked.

" This file fell under the table and he seems like a good bet." Chrys answers as she climes out from under the table holding a file.

"Virgil, No last name?" Roman read

"He sounds Perfect." Patton nearly squealed

"But we know nothing about him. Not even who his parents are." B warned. Patton looked up and shrugged.

" i don't want to judged him based on whats not in a file."

"'s decided. Brimstone, Grimhilde, De'Vile, and..." Roman trailed off.

"Virgil no name." Remy provided looking over his glasses at the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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