Let him go, Alpha

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Doc! I scream through the mind link.

Yes, Alpha?

Your office, now!

I look down at the almost lifeless body before me. I have to truly focus to detect the rise and fall of his chest. His breathing is nearly inaudible.

He's fading.

Before I could truly focus on what that could mean, Doc sprints into the office.

But as soon as his eyes land on the body before me, he pauses.

His face changing to one of understanding, as his eyes start to gloss over in sadness.


"It's time," he says quietly, not lifting his eyes to meet mine.

"Time?" I ask, utterly confused.

"He's dying."

"Dying?" I splutter in shock. "No, no, he's not dying Doc, I would have felt it. I would have felt something."

Despite seeing the obvious signs my mind refused to believe it.

He's not dying.

He can't.

I would have felt something.

Doc just shakes his head, a stray tear sliding down his face. He doesn't attempt to wipe it away.

"That's because you're not meant to, Alpha."

"How am I not meant to! He's my mate! We have a bond!"

"Alpha, you no longer have a bond."

I shake my head in denial, "I would know if I didn't have a bond, Doc. I would have felt it break! But I don't care about all that, just help him!"

I can't die.

I refuse to allow him to drag me into the depths of darkness with him.

"There's nothing I can do," he says sadly, still staring down at the boy.

"You can't just let him die, Doc! You need to do something, you have to! I'll die without him."

"You won't die."

"If he dies, I die. We're mates. Doc, you know this! Help him!"

"He broke the bond."

My eyes widen in shock, stunning me into silence.


No, he's lying.

I would have felt it.

We would both be dead right now if he had.

"T-th-that's not possible," I whisper. "We would have both died. He couldn't have done that," I say, shaking my head.

"You're not going to die, Alpha. He sacrificed himself."

"The second he dies, I do, too."

I cannot die.

Doc shakes his head, finally looking up at me, "Have you not noticed his behavior lately, Alpha?"

"What do you mean?"

"How has he been acting?"

"I don't know! He's just been sleeping a lot. He hasn't been eating his meals with the rest of us, he barely speaks... H-he hasn't been all too present for me to notice anything."

"He's been sleeping a lot because it's the only time he can find peace, Alpha."

I already know this.

Let him go, AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now