Christmas Eve Blizzard

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(Before I get started, I just wanna say this story is about Calzona being trapped in an Elevator. Currently, it is Christmas Eve. In this story, Mark isn't dead, Calzona has never dated each other, they are hardly even friends after their recent argument. And Amelia is Arizona's Ex. Enjoy!)


Today has been a long day, not only with the weather canceling my flight my flight to Chicago. (I got nominated for a Harper Avery, & the ceremony is tonight.) I really wanted to go, even if I didn't win, I want to support who ever does.

But, since I can not do that, I need to get home so I can watch it from there.

And I have been avoiding Callie all day.

I just want to get home as soon as possible, so I can drink this whiskey & eat popcorn.

Maybe get into my softest pjs & snuggle with my dog, maybe even call Eve.

Just then, the elevator doors open & there is Callie & Mark.

They are laughing, until Callie see's me a she puts on that fake smile she has.

She is really good at fake smiling, if you didn't know her then you wouldn't know it was fake.

Callie must have obviously told Mark about our argument because he pretends to see Lexie & leaves the elevator that is about to be an whole lot of awkward.

"Oh look, little Grey. I should go see what she is doing for Christmas Eve. Later Torres."

You can tell she gives him a look that says "Wait don't go please..."

But, he walks off.



"Have a Merry Christmas."

"You too."

Most of the time he can be a horny man whore. With a bit of arrogance. But, there is those few times he can be a polite gentleman.

I step into the elevator. I smile at Callie before reaching for the ground button.


I can tell Arizona feels awkward because she does this weird expression on her face.

She does that same look anytime she is around Amelia.

Finally, I speak up.

"So, what are your plans for Christmas?"

She turns around and gives me an awkward smile.

"Oh... probably just gonna come here. I have to give the kids presents. Considering the can't leave the hospital. Thought that would be nice."

I chuckle.

Arizona has always been the person who would bring sick kids presents on her day off. Which is ironic considering she doesn't want kids. She sure can be awfully mother like. She treats her patients like they are her kids, that's what I think is one thing that makes her a very good surgeon. But, that doesn't change the fact I am mad.

She turns around.

"What's funny?"

I shake my head.

"Nothing, it's just you make it kind of hard to be mad at you when you are volunteering to give children Christmas presents you payed for out of pocket."

All of a sudden the lights flicker & the elevator comes to a complete stop.

Arizona falls face first into me. Her prosthetic collapsed from under her, it must have been from the collision.

I catch her.

The lights flicker back on.

I hold her up.

"Are you alright?"

I can tell she is embarrassed.


Well, if this elevator ride couldn't get any more awkward.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Here let me help you with you prosthetic."

"No. No, it's okay just sit me down on the ground."

She obeys.

I grab my phone.

And I dial April's phone.

"Hi. You've reached April Kepner. I'm unavailable at the moment. Leave me a message & I will get back to you. Have a blessed day."

I hang up the phone.

Callie sits down on the opposite side of me.

"Let me call Mark."

She calls him.

"No answer."

"I can call Webber?"

She nods.

I call him.

"Hey Robbins! What's up? Shouldn't you be home right now?"

"Yeah I should."

He laughs.

"Umm. Richard me and Callie are kind of stuck in an elevator. Do you happen to know why? And when we will get out?"

"Ooh. Well, the power went out and came back on because of the weather. It shouldn't have effected the elevators unless a power line fell down. Let me check with Bailey I will call you back."


He hangs up.


I can see a bit of worry in Arizona's eye.

"What did he say?"

"He said it's the weather. And it only effected the elevators if a power line is down."

I sigh.

"And if a power line is down, then we won't be out of here for maybe hours."


"What do we do now?"

She looks at me & with a look of dedication & gratitude, she says...

"We should talk about our argument."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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