She said no.

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The fat desu goddess finnaly came back with all the stuff reddy to marry the duck and sehe was so excited and nervous that it made her butthole quiver up and coil she slowly walked up her stairs and met up with the duck the duck was slepping in late because of the shitty morning they had literally, she woke her up softly and whispersed into her ear wake up huny bun, she got up and quaoked at her uwu she cried the fat desu qween neeled down and pulled out a twinky,
Will you mrrey me duckling? The duck quaked a offeneded no the desu qween got up and ran so fast she fell down the stairs and broke her neck but thanks to her fat rulls she didnt die the duck rushed down to help her but it was almost to late so the guards came in a rush after a loud bang was heard and they soon saw what happened, she had fallen, they rushed her to the fucking medic and they then needed witnesses to what happened to her wich they figured the duck would be the best wittness for it so they asked the duck which was sweating prefously q-quK.. they duck knew she was guilty and wouldnbe killed if they found out why..

To. Be. Continued.

Let me know if ya want more~
232 words

The tails of a fat princess and how she ate a duck (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now