Season two?!?!

32 5 14

(I pulled a BBC Sherlock and made you all wait about a year)

Privacy was dead, there was no doubting that. Her flesh was greasy when consumed. Like a fat turkey, or something idk I've never cooked turkey. But the point still stands.

Yes, the nuisance was defeated, but there was a new rival...and his name was Personal Space...

He was evil beyond compare. He would regularly punch old people and spit on homeless ferrets. He had no soul. And the Injustice League had to interfere. 

The league consisted of Wattpad-San, Micheal Jackson, Sans, and the most powerful of all of them...Shakira.

The battle takes place in a empty hairtie manufacturing warehouse, in which Personal Space resides in order to play Fall Guys. The League of Un-heros enter, and Personal Space swivels around in his spiny gaming chair, stroking a hairless cat.

"Ah, just who I was've fallen right into my trap, for you see, I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast to Nicolaus Alexander, for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft iii so that he may play defense of the ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your DOTA."

Before Personal Space could pull out his nerf gun, Shakira sang with a mighty breath "SAMI NAMI NA WAKA WAKA THIS IS AFRICA" and then, Personal Space died.

The end.     

(Play this during the credits)

Written by- Yeet McSkeet aka Ao

Music directed by- Mark Zuckerburg

Built- Different 

Color- Blind

Special guest appearance- Shakira

In remembrance of YandereDev before he was a fucking maniac 😔 lost but not forgotten

Dame da ne, dame yo dame na no yo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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