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Silent Tears


I was startled because of the sudden noise I hear but when I woke up, it's just Punn's left hand hitting the floor,

Good thing he just sleep again while his right hand on his eyes, I thought he would wake up first before me and I will hate that!

He'll see my morning face! I know I'm beautiful, just less attractive in the morning because of the hair and puffy eyes, we can't help that, going back, I need to get us first a breakfast, I'll just order online and while waiting for it to be delivered I'll fixed my bed and myself

After a notification popped displaying that my order is already in the gate I hurriedly go outside only grabbing my wallet,

I'm still on my Pj's because the moment the notification rings I was planning to change my dress,

But unfortunately it is wrong to let people wait that's why I just go out wearing these thin clothes I have, lucky it's still early in the morning only our dorm aunty is awake,

I just wai at her and greet her a good morning then proceed on getting my deliveries, then runs after to the elevator to return faster to my room so I can prepare this before I wake Punn up,

I actually wanted to cook for him, but the school does not allow us to do that, we can only do deliveries but no cooking, sad!

But still! I hope he'll like it! As I walk in Glee towards my door I noticed that it was slightly open-

Thinking that one of Punn's personality take over I rushed inside only to see Punn sitting on the edge of the bed, two arms fold in his chest and staring intently at me,

Did something happen?

Is he Punn?

But I can see it's him, it's just that he looks- angry?

"Good morning! Breakfast?" I said in Glee while smiling at him brightly,

Which he just stare at me with the same intensity on what he had earlier, no changes in his movements- still looking angry,

"Why~" I asked while putting the foods in my cute table and lightly stomps my feet toward him,

"Did I do something wrong?" I said while really looking confused,

"I saw you in the window, talking to the delivery boy-" he started while standing up and leaning closer to my face-

"With these clothes" -and snake his arms on my waist pulling me more closer to him,

My forehead touching his, the tips of our nose are slightly touching and the smell of his cold breath looking like he just finished gurgling a mouthwash, hmm..

Before he can even make another move, I encircled my arms around his neck and-


"Morning kiss!" I said while he was stunned for a moment then before he can reply,

I break free from the contact and step back two steps away from him,

"Okay first things first, don't be upset na~ I was actually going to change first before heading outside but the delivery guy was already there it was not nice to let someone wait, okay? Nod first if you understand" I told him while I folding my arms in my chest he was hesitant at first but he nodded,

"Second, I wanted to make you a good breakfast that's why I ordered online, because we are also not allowed to cook inside, that's why don't scold me for ordering okay and saying that we should just eat in the cafeteria, nod again if you agree" I said demandingly and wait for another second for his answer which he just again agree,

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