what's this?

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        'fuck this shit,  don't cry anymore' a sad tissue that's used to wipe the mascara and the snot screamed ... 'You have been crying and using me and my brother's life on a undeserving bastard '
        Soon he too joined the near brimming trashcan to his brothers side sighing.
Right so this is our heroine Aria.. she is in her late 20s and heartbroken cause the relationship she thought is for life failed.
        Now the icecream that is being gulped down by her thinks .. ' woman don't you I go with drama marathon? I will be over working if you just rely on me! Switch on the damn TV. It's not there for decoration you know? '  rolling it's eyes the TV replied ' as if she can hear you' . ' then do something!!!! She is literally eating me out and the burn in her heart can't be just solved by me'.
        ' ok cuties .. don't fight big brother here will help you out' a voice resounded in the hall when the senpai Current  spoke up. Now the lights start flickering and the TV was switched on. It shut up Aria immediately, she got scared and ran out ..
         'i told you to console her not scare her to shut her up' the little guy from trash can spoke up
         ' well I was trying to help . No need to be cranky, she will be back in a minute, I am doing the same with neighbours, do she will self analyse that it's just some flickering... Dumb humans and thier rationale'
       Just as the word fell Aria came back, her thin frail bosy in huge sweater and jeans making her look even fragile. While her eyes swollen with dark circles not helping her looks .. but the sight of ice cream giving them a small spark now looking at tv she thought 'ok I wish there was a spin I can turn to select a drama for myself, let's see' 
       Now the smug current look at others like I told you so, making the little guy to roll his eyes and say 'now what? She does not even know what to watch.. and I want her not to lose hope in love'
       'Never fear when I am here ' the TV flicked again settling on Sotus the series.  Aria was confused as she hasn't watched thai dramas earlier and was no sure it's the time to start watching them .. as she tried to switch the channel the remote wasn't working 'shoot okay I can't even watch or switch off now' just as the words left her mouth the drama started on auto play.
        'ohhhkk ! It's weird .. but whatever'. 2 episodes into the drama... 'why does this cutie pie has to be such a jerk to his juniors .. and Mr that's not how you speak to your seniors.. why are these guys blushing on eachother? .... What the heck am I even watching??'

A/N that's it for 1st chapter, I will try to get about probably 5-10 ?? Maybe??
as I said I am no author, this is only here for one purpose to support flying purple pigs .. so do whatever you want to do

Aria in BL landWhere stories live. Discover now