Bad Dreams

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Just another day in my room. All alone. I can't be normal, can I? I just had to born with these cursed powers. I almost killed Anna! How could I! I know I didn't mean to, but I did. I can't control them. Papa always said,

"Conceal. Don't feel. Don't let it show."

I had to keep telling myself that. In a few years I would be Queen of Arendelle. I am 18 now. I will become Queen when I am 21. I sat down by my window. It started to frost over. I was used to it, but this time was weird. The frost that I produce is on the inside of the window. This was on the outside. It was creepy. I was getting tired. I forced myself to stay awake. The voices had started again. They talk to me every night. I hate it.

"You know your sleepy." The voice said.

I shook my head no and created snow to play with.

"You know you want to sleep."

I shook my head no again. I was fighting sleep with all I had.

"Your fear makes me stronger." It said chuckling.

With that said, I felt something hit me in my head. It didn't hurt, but it made me fall asleep. Goodbye world, I thought as sleep took over. I layer there in the snow, I was having a nightmare. I felt someone pick me up and lay me on my bed. They kissed me on the forehead.

"Goodnight. My Elsa." He whispered.


I was alone. Standing in the middle of a damp, dark room. The shadows surround me, making me more afraid. A figure emerges from the shadows.

"Why hello Elsa."

He grinned. I was afraid. I backed away, but something behind me stopped me from doing so. I turned around. It was a black figure. I ran the opposite direction. It chased me and got inside of me. I was covered by the shadows. On my hands and knees, gasping for air, the man comes next to me. He leans down and helps me up. I felt this odd sensation going through me. I could sense fear. Someone close by was afraid. I looked at the man's eyes.

"What did that thing do to me?"

He smirked.

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