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"Ahh!! Get out pervs!" I screamed, and threw a pillow at them. Hanji, Erwin, Eren, and Armin stood there. I was shocked to see the other two standing there. They all left to probably sit in the living room. I heard someone knock on the opened bedroom door, and it was Hanji. 

"So it worked?" She giggled. Levi and I just looked at her with death in our eyes. 

"What. Worked. Hanji?" I asked, ready to break her neck. She just smiled.

"Answer god damn four eyes," Levi said. 

"Well, (Y/N), you now have a penis, and you Levi, have a vagina, am I correct?" She laughed. I walked up to her, and grabbed the collar of her shirt. 

"What the fuck did you do to us?"

She giggled again, so I threw her body on the bed shoving her. 

"Tell me."

I just put a little something in both of your dinners the other day. 

"What? and why?"

"It was just something I've been experimenting with, and I wanted to try it. I figured you guys were actively having some kind of sex."

I blushed a little, but stayed cool.

"What the fuck? What does sex have to do with anything? He didn't even...enter me..."

"He didn't have to for the drug to work, just some kind of sexual act. What did you do last night? Or was it this morning?" She smirked saying the last part. 

"Listen you-"

I was pulled off Hanji before smacking her. 

"You need to calm down, (Y/N)," Levi said, hugging me. 

"Levi! I have a fucking dick now!"

He cupped my face.

"I know, but it's not doing anything for us yelling at this fucking idiot."

"Hey!" Hanji said.

"Hanji, answer her. What, and why?"

"Well, she's kind of a he now, right?........It doesn't really have a name....and because I wanted to try it out on a couple that was sexually active."

"First, she's a she. Even with a penis. And second, how would you know if we were sexually active? What does sex have to do with anything?"

"Okay, okay, 'she', and you're a 'he'. Well, I've seen the hickeys, and the flirting. That kind of flirting is a little more than 'I've never touched his body', and sex is what activates it. I'm not really sure why, but it is. Maybe because that's what it does, it changes those key areas...."

"So any sexual act? But we didn't even 'do' anything when we were normal after the dinner," Levi said, with a confused look on his face. I had my arms wrapped around his side, and his arm was around me. I just slowly looked up at him, and waited for him to look at me. 


He looked even more confused now. 


"When you had that towel on...." 

I looked away blushing, and he immediately said oh, and looked back at the now sitting up Hanji who was laughing.

"So I assume that you've figured out when you-"

"Yeah, Hanji. Now how do we change it?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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