things that Dom's do that are hot

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1.talking about themselves in 3 person  point of view (for example "aren't you gonna be good for daddy/mommy?")

2. Letting they're little and/or pet take control (for example letting they're little and/or pet ride them or eat them out)

3. Being over protective and/or being jealous (for example: little/pet goes out with a nother guy/girl that the Dom doesn't like because they're always flirting with THEIR little/pet)

4. Calling their little and/or pet cute names (examples: cutie
                                  Baby girl/boy,
                                  Little one ,
                                  Prince/princess ,

Last but not least  5. Calling there little and/or pet "mine" or just adding "my" to any pet name!

This is just my opinion 😸 if you don't agree thats okay! Mwah! love chu all! hope you guys have a great day/night!!

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