Chapter 4 - Darkness Falling

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Riptide didn't go back to the Seatalon Palace. He flew away into the Dewtalon's terrority instead. His hands felt clammy, as he descended on Vemon's training grounds. She wasn't there, but a platoon of training Dewtalon soldiers were there instead. Their highly vemonous tails had been coated in blood, as they killed innocent creatures. Riptide shuddered. It seemed like no dragon could ever kill these dragons. He heard a sizzing noise. He looked down, where little drops from the vemonous tails of the Dewtalons had landed on a leaf infront of him. He took a quiet step back. Unluckily, he squashed a twig, which cracked at the same time. Uh oh, he thought as the Dewtalons whirled around and met gazes with him. I'm screwed now, I'm the worst general ever, I'm- his thoughts were cut off as the head of the platoon smacked him down. Scratch that, I'm dead. Riptide hissed as they growled.

"A spy? Seatalon... You're on Poison's side, aren't you?!" Riptide growled but didn't say anything.

"We'll kill you slowly then. Ah. Use those flames of the Firetalons and our vemon. No- make that the magma of a Firetalon general. Lava. Heard of her?" the Dewtalons sneered, their sharp fangs hissing.

"Stupid, fat, dragons..." Riptide muttered loudly for them to hear. The largest growled and hissed.

"Scratch that, kill him on the spot, now." The Dewtalons formed a circle around him. They poised out, their tail gleaming, then falling as wingbeats filled the sky. Bad idea. Scratch it. Riptide closed his eyes, bracing himself for the pain as he heard a shriek. A shriek with an unaturally high note. Now, when a Dewtalon dies, they usually release a high screech, almost shattering glass. Riptide drew back his ears, as he felt the weight of the Dewtalon fall off. Slowly, deliberately, he opened them. Five midnight-black with large wings as huge as treetops, with tiny glittering spots like stars dove down and killed the Dewtalons. One by one, they fell down. Riptide scrambled away, flustering with the greenery. He stared as the creatures of the night turned towards him.

"We, are the Darktalons."

Riptide gulped,

"Are you going to kill me?!"

The largest shook his head.

"No, but we can do so with one bite,"

Riptide noticed the saliva that dripped onto leaves, burning them.

"What is your message?" he growled, flashing his fangs. The smallest raised a talon.

"We have a prophecy," Riptide snorted as the middle hissed, only to be silenced by the largest.

"Peace will come,
On the Cloud's wing,
Peace will come,
War to be silenced,
By the tail of this creature,
Peace will come,
From where the Place-Of-No-Fire lies,
Peace shall come,
And stop the war,
Just on the wing,
Of a gentle, yet dangerous cloud."

The dragons' voice reverbrated off the trees, as Riptide stared, dumbfolded. He shook his head, baffled. Then growled.
"What does that mean?! And what do I have to do?!" The second largest hissed and replied,
"It means peace for Mrian. And broadcast it, you dummy." Riptide let out a squawk and replied,
"No. Broadcast it? Why not you perfect, mysterious, new dragons do it yourself instead of preying onto a Seatalon?"
The smallest glared, his eyes flaming as the middle hissed. The largest raised a tail, possibly meaning 'Don't' as he opened his mouth,
"Wondered why did we not kill you, on the spot like the Dewtalons?"
Riptide tilted his head. He was wondering.
"Because you were special. You are part of the prophecy."
Riptide hissed, as the five dragons started to fly upwards.
"Whatever! I'm NOT broadcasting it though." He shouted. The smallest snorted, the middle missed a wing beat as the second largest glared down.
"Then we'll do it," shouted the second smallest, as the troop disappeared into the night sky, leaving Riptide baffled, into the shade of the trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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