Swimming Under Summer Stars

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Kageyama was almost asleep, finally able to relax and enjoy his short few days off, when his phone pinged loudly into the silence.


He groaned melodramatically, leaning over to grab his phone off the edge of his little-used desk. Of course it was Hinata. It was always Hinata. Not that he usually minded. No one else was particularly prone to talking to him and Hinata's boundless optimism and energy made things more interesting, to say the least. But he definitely minded when it was almost 3 am.

Shrimpy: Whats you address again??/

Why hell was Shrimpy asking for his address? He knew where Kageyama lived. He probably knew it well enough to find it in the dark, really. And, seeing as it WAS dark, he probably wouldn't even be able to see the address if he tried.

What the hell.

Me: *google maps image*... but why the hell do you wanna know?

He could almost feel Hinata's glowing smile through the screen. That little shit definitely had something in mind. Hopefully something that lived up to all his chaotic energy. If Shrimpy was going to wake him up at 3 in the goddamn morning, he better have something earth shattering in mind.

Of course, the only earth shattering thing Kageyama wanted from Hinata was his feelings returned, and he was pretty confident that would never happen. Hinata was too much of a chaotic free spirit to fall for anyone, let alone his pissy, annoying, emotionally constipated best friend.

Shrimpy: It's a surprise ;) dont fall asleep bakageyama

Kageyama sighed, heavy and long. And then he pulled himself out of bed to put on some actual clothes. Sure, he might want Hinata to see him in his boxers at some point but that point was not tonight.

He settled on one of his dad's old flannels and sighed again. It was too early in the morning for this. The only time he ever dragged himself into wakefulness at this time was when they had an away game.

Only Hinata, he thought, only Hinata was worth interrupting his precious sleep. He wanted milk. Preferably plain. And warm. Not that it would help him stay awake in the slightest. No milk then.

Well....maybe cold milk.

Cold milk, he decided, speedwalking to the kitchen to pour himself a tall glass and then drain it like it was water to a parched throat. By the time he had gotten his snack he could hear the vague sounds of someone walking up the gravel to his deck. Probably Shrimpy. Or maybe a murderer.

He hoped it was Hinata.

Then again, which would be easier to deal with; a murderer or his feelings. A hard question. He hadn't even decided by the time someone rapped on the door, loudly and far to excited for the time of morning. Yeah, it was Hinata. No one else would be that hyped at 3 am.

"Shrimpy." Kageyama did his best to blink sleepily and angerly at the tiny middle blocker. But he suspected that some softness crept into his vision, because Hinata's answering smile was just a little wider than normal.

Dumbass sunshine child.

"Yamayama-kun!! I'm so glad you're actually up! Did I wake you?" Hinata was a ball of innocent excitement and Kageyama just couldn't stay mad. Not that he was ever all that mad to begin with, really.

"What do you think, Hinata-boke?" Kageyama's glare held no fire, and he could tell Hinata knew it. "It's 3 am, you better have a good reason for dragging me out of bed, dumbass."

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