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               *Toni's interview*

Toni sat there in the room with only two chairs and one table looking at the black window which the people behind it can see her but all she saw was her reflection. She then turn her face towards the empty chair in front of it and sighed waiting for one of the officers to talk to her.

The sound of a doorknob opened and she glanced over at a guy in uniform who stood there observing her before closing the door behind him and took a seat in front of her.

He placed the folders in his hands onto the table between them.

"Good morning" he greeted her.

She just stared at him.

"Okay... I'm going to ask you some questions."

"Go ahead." She smiled"I'm bored anyways."

"Instead of going through these-" He pointed at the folder"I wanted to get to know you through your mouth instead of written information. I'm Mark and you?"

"Toni and just Toni.... Topaz."

"Toni, I have heard about you and your friends before."

"Okay?" She replied focusing entirely on what he'll say next.

"And I just saw you guys at Sweetwater River... So, I'm curious, why are you guys the way you are"

The girl with pink hair just laughed at his question. "I don't know what you mean about that."

            *Cheryl's interview*

A red headed girl entered the room and held the ends of her dress while sitting down. "I'm Cheryl Blossom and don't think about saying your name because I don't acre who I'm talking to." she said, getting comfortable.

"What happened to you and your friends and where are your par-?"

"Wait!"cheryl interrupted.

"What is it, Miss Blossom."

"Does this lightning look good on me ?" She showed him a selfie on her phone.

"No- Wait, you not supposed to have your phone."

"I know but how else am I supposed to know if I look as good as I did when I left my house."

"I don't remember seeing you at Sweetwater River with the others... If you don't want to have charges against you, I suggest you leave."

"But my girlfriend and friends are all here, I'll be bored without them."

After a few minutes of silence, she finally stood up abruptly and shoved her phone in her dress pocket "Fine, I'll leave-"

"Can I finish my question then?"he interrupted her.

"How rude could be you?? Interrupting me is a no, Mr. unknowingly questioning man. While I'm speaking, you be silent."


"But I'll tell you one thing."

"And that is?" he asked, pulling out a sharpened pencil and a notebook.

"Whatever you saw, we're not as bad as you or others may think."

        *Archie's interview*

The red headed teenage boy has been staring at the man that sits in front of him for minutes. In fact, he has been staring at him ever since he came in the room.

"Okay", Mark cleared his throat, opening the folder he had in front of him. "How do you feel about this situation you're in with your friends and hopefully you'll be different from the two I just met. I almost forgot, I'm Mark."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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