《Date Night》

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Hisoka & Illumi.

The clown let a deep sigh depart from his lips. He rested his chin on his palm and his fingers fiddled with the straw in his drink. His gaze fell back onto the black haired boy.

"Why are you not paying attention to me, sweetheart?" Hisoka teased, his famous grin resurfacing onto his lips. He stretched out his arm to put his hand on top of Lumi's. As expected, he pulled back before their skin could even make contact.

Hisoka let out another sigh, retracting his hand and placing it on his own lap.

"Don't call me such names." The big eyed boy finally spoke. "We aren't here for romantic purposes, you know this. We are only here to spy on our prey. After that, I will go back to pretending you don't exist."

"Can we at least act like a couple? Isn't that the order we were given?"

"The order doesn't matter to me. I just want him dead, that's the important part. Not us acting like we care for each other's existence." Illumi spoke, not taking his eyes off of the victim. He waited until he was ready to leave. After that he would execute him on his way back to his vehicle. Hisoka could handle the random broad he was with.

"Well, this is very boring. Let's speed things up, Hm?" Hisoka spoke, standing up to his feet. "Plus, this suit is making me feel weird." He added, fixing the tie that was placed around his pale neck.

Since they were undercover, they inevitably had to dress differently from their everyday lives.

Hisoka was dressed in a dark red suit. Instead of his hair being in his usual spike, it was down, covering a bit of his face. He had on makeup to hide the drawings on his face, and it worked pretty well.

Illumi was also dressed in a tux, but his was black. His long, silky hair was placed in a ponytail.

He quickly looked up at the clown as he stood, and that was the first time they made eye connect the whole night.

"What are you doing? Sit back down." Illumi spoke, getting a tad bit annoyed by his behavior.

Hisoka chose to ignore him and make his way over to their victim.

"Hi, you must be Mr. Kinojin? This is your restuarant, right? I just love it so much!" He spoke, a fake smile forming across his lips. "Mind if I sit?"

Their victim didn't mind at all. Hisoka took a reminder that his boss told him he was really big on being complimented. If he had to get closer to him by telling him what he wanted to hear, then he would.

"Ah, it's just. It's me and my boyfriend's anniversary and I thought it'd be perfect to come here! I've heard so many good reviews about this place."

He saw Illumi make his way over and he couldn't help but smirk.

"Speaking of my boyfriend, here he is." He spoke, taking a hold of Lumi's hand and lowering him down to take a seat in the booth.

"Ah, I'm sorry about him. He's very.. talkative." Illumi spoke, letting out a small chuckle. "I hope he didn't cause any trouble. I'm Kiro, by the way."

Fake names were always the way to go while doing this kind of job.

"Silly me. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Reko." Hisoka spoke, bowing his head a bit to show respect.

An hour had passed and in that time, Hisoka was really going all out. He rested his head on Illumi's shoulder and intertwined their fingers together. He would even give him a few cheek kisses as well. Lumi just had to go along with it, no matter how much he wanted to grab a fork and stab him in his leg, he kept himself composed. They both had unsettling smiles plastered on their faces as they pretended to care about their victim speaking about all of the the restuarants he owned.

He was annoyed that he had to do this. They could've just waited until their victim had left and did what they had to do. They were probably making him stay longer here, if anything.

"Well, it's getting pretty late. We should get going, hun." Lumi spoke, looking down at Hisoka.

When their victim agreed, he felt relieved. Konojin wanted to leave too. He didn't know if that was going to work but he's grateful that it did, or they'd have to kill him right inside of building.

Walking out of the restaurant and trailing behind the older couple, Illumi released his hand from Hisoka's grip and shoved them into his pockets, clasping onto something.

As their victim made it to his vehicle, he turned around to say something. Although, it was too late for him to speak.

Illumi landed four of his sharp pin into his skin. One in his forehead, two in his eyes and one in his throat.

As for the woman, before she had time to react, Hisoka grabbed one of his cards, aiming it directly at her throat. She fell to the ground a long with the target.

"Poor girl. She didn't have to die. If only she stayed home tonight." Hisoka spoke letting out a soft hum.

"You're such a worthless idiot." Illumi spoke tossing one of his pins at Hisoka, which he dodged with ease.

"Wow, that's no way to talk to your boyfriend."

Illumi started to walk away from the clown, deciding it was finally time to go home. He has accomplished every mission he was assigned to. It was time to see his family again.

"You're leaving? No goodbye kiss?" He questioned, a small pout forming on his lips. His words made Illumi stop dead in his tracks. He looked back at Soka, his gaze darker than usual.

"I don't ever want to see you again. If I do, I will not hesitate to kill you."

Hisoka let out a chuckle, his tongue grazzing over his bottom lip. "How arousing."

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