Chapter 1

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Shravan had been swarmed with work all day. He was studying some files about an arms deal that was going on that had to be approved by him. With a prestigious title like Major, came big responsibilities and he made sure that he lived up to the rank that he had earned after years of hard work. He leaned back into his chair after finally finishing his work. He pulled out his phone that was on silent and grew confused as he saw 58 missed calls. He quickly dialed his phone, "Hello? Kancha? Is everything okay?...I'll be there in two hours...I'll come as fast as I can!" Shravan grabbed his keys and ran out.

As Shravan arrived, Kanchan ran out and sobbed, "Oh, thank god Shravan you are here! She won't come out. Only you can do something".

Shravan gulped and nodded. He went inside the house with Kancha and saw everyone crowded outside her door. Kancha knocked and told her to come out and that Shravan was here. But there was no answer. Kanchan broke down crying and gave up.

Shravan took a deep breath and stepped forward. He hugged Kanchan and comforted her, "It's okay, Kancha. I will take care of everything". He turned towards her door and gently knocked. "'s me. Please open the door". He waited for a while but she didn't open. He sighed and started to turn away as he realized that she needed some time. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks as he heard the door open. He turned around and his heart broke into a million pieces seeing her red, puffy eyes. She had grown so pale and weak.

Her lip quivered as she opened her mouth to talk but seeing Shravan in front of her, as always, she couldn't hold her emotions back. She lunged towards him and threw her arms around his neck. She sobbed into his chest, "Why did he leave me? How will I live without him?" Shravan smoothed her hair and clenched his jaw trying to hold back his tears. He couldn't see her like this.

Shravan wiped her tears and whispered, "Be are now the wife of a martyr. Don't shed tears like this and question why he left. You are a soldier too, right? So, you know that for a soldier sacrificing your life for the country is the biggest boon. Your Rishabh was lucky enough to be granted this boon".

Suman knew what Shravan was saying was correct but her heart ached with pain. She was about to fall down to her knees but Shravan caught her and slowly slid down to the floor with her. Shravan tightly wrapped his arms around her as she cried her heart out. He knew what it meant to love someone. Although he had managed to convince Suman that his feelings for her had faded away, the mere thought of losing her forever terrified him. So, he couldn't even imagine the pain that Suman was going through of losing her husband, Rishabh. Shravan felt helpless as he knew that he couldn't bring a dead person back. He could go any lengths for his Sumo's happiness but in this moment, he knew all she needed was her best friend's shoulder to cry on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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