Chapter 2: Cleaning and Treasures ?

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Andrea's POV

I grabbed my scrunchy and put my hair into a pony tail, today is saturday and saturday is cleaning my room day.

I walked up to my trunk and opened it. God ! It's a mess ! Since ive started going to college I haven't had enough time to clean my room or throw some of my stuff that I rarely use or already been used.

I saw a couple of pictures, paper, art projects, some old jewelry cases, and some books that either ive already read or didn't want too. I grabbed the pictures and put them aside and threw some of my art projects that I did when I was in highschool. I grabbed a couple of books and put them in different sides to which I want to keep or throw away. The last one was Romeo and Juliet, I snorted and threw it in my trash bin.

I'm not a dead person inside or out but to be honest I don't found it romantic seeing it didn't make any sense to me. I simply just don't believe in love at first sight and all that kind of junks. If I want to be a successful lawyer I have to be focused not fooling around and I may sound like an old granny but it's future.

Besides boys and shopping malls are not going anywhere, heck they even have that in Detroit. There's no way that you can get rid of boys wherever you go. They are all over, everywhere. Heck if they can, they'll be in the girls toilet which they do in highschools and universities and don't think of me as a stone because I'm absolutely not.

Even though I don't believe in love it doesn't mean I didn't have crushes before because I did but I was only 11 that time and it only lasted for 2 weeks, when I found out he was a player well let's just say I went to Syberia.

The trunk is almost empty except for an old jewelry box I saw. Hmm....I didn't even remember having this and I know that I'm forgetful but I know if I put something or threw something away and I'm positive I never had this until now.

I was interested so I opened it, I heard a click and the lid rose up. I saw the most beautiful ring, it's a gold ring with a lot of diamonds on it.

I was never a material kind if girl, Heck I don't even wear jewelries but this one is so pretty and it's kinda big. So I put on my 2nd finger and saw the diamonds sparkling through the sunlight.

I continued my cleaning and threw most of my book.

After an hour I finished and lay down on my bed. I'm not really lazy but I hate cleaning. I don't think anyone likes it so don't think I'm a weirdo or something. I sighed and fell asleep.



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