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Hello, thank you so much for reading my rewrite! This is gonna be a fanfiction based off the full movie, so it's gonna take me a while to finish it!

So basically, you are Snow White's twin sister, Rose Red! You are twins, but you look different from each other, you look like the mother and Snow looks like your father.  You look like Snow White did in the movie when she wore the red shoes, except you are blonde and have beautiful, deep blue eyes, And Snow looks like she did in the movie without the red shoes. The storyline goes mostly as it did in the movie, except I changed some parts, and you're a character too of course. I'm gonna try to make different endings where you end up with different princes, and probably also an ending where you get in a relationship with all of them. (owo)

I'll try my best to have good grammar so it's easier for you to read!

Btw, if I sometimes write (A/N), it will mean Author Note! I'll use it if I for example need to give you some extra small information or something like that.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave comments with suggestions if you have any! 


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Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs x twin!readerWhere stories live. Discover now