First Witch to space

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It was an unusually cheery Monday morning. Well, it was for Luz at least, she was excited to get to school and excited to ask Amity to meet up with her. So excited, in fact, that she was literally the first student at the school, arriving just as the sun peeked up above the horizon. The anticipation was getting to Luz just a little so she decided to get a script together. She began rehearsing to a stone pillar "Something like 'Hey I know we haven't talked in a bit but I have something I want to show you after school'". Yeah! She liked the sound of that, casual, nonchalant, but to convey enough enthusiasm to perhaps convince her to waste an afternoon with her. She nodded and looked through her folder making sure all the glyphs were there. She ran through them, remembering all the tests she did to perfect them. She was absolutely filled with nervous eagerness as she sat on the front steps of Hexide, waiting for Amity. As students started to trickle in, Luz greeted them all cheerfully while scanning the crowd for the face of the youngest Blight. As the start of classes got closer and Amity still hadn't shown up Luz went inside to her locker slightly disappointed. She figured Amity was out sick or on some fancy smart girl field trip. There was always tomorrow she supposed.

Amity had woken up late. She'd mastered all the spells she discovered and was planning on using to get to space. She was confident in her casting ability and the satisfaction of completing such high level skills with such mastery had lulled her body into a deep, content, sleep. Something she hadn't had since before Grom. She awoke to the sun in the sky, and her twin siblings leaving for school. She groaned internally there was no way she was going to ruin her perfect attendance. She raced down the stairs casting on her uniform and magicking her books into her bag. She began racing toward Hexide, using a propulsion spell she'd learned for her planned space trip. On her way she thought about how to ask Luz to accompany her on witch-kind's first excursion to space. She barely noticed when she sped by her siblings sneaking off the path, no doubt trying to prank her. She arrived at Hexide with minutes to spare. She saw an uncharacteristically solemn Luz, gathering her things from her locker. It was Amity's chance to approach! Her chance to ask out Luz. but she never got the chance.

Luz turned around and her face immediately brightened. A causation that Amity was oblivious to, preoccupied as she was with her flustered blushing. Luz quickly approached Amity and stood pretty close before talking. "Amity! She said on her way over "just the sour lemon drop of a witch I wanted to see" Amity blushed, she missed being close to Luz, she had longed for her cute pet names and she loved seeing her face so close. Amity was mentally kicking herself for keeping her distance these past few weeks. Luz was a little off-guard too, she was already off script but the excitement of seeing Amity with news to share had completely occupied whatever mental space was available. "Anyways I've got something I want to show you! Wanna meet me at The Knee after school?"

Amity stared at Luz, confident that she had just said something but not having a clue in the realm what. But Amity had to say something, even if it was meaningless. She could feel the heat rising on her cheeks. "Uhhh-" Amity began "yeah i've been meaning to talk to you too" she said and before Luz could respond the bell rang. Amity was literally saved by the bell. As Amity turned to walk to her first class Luz waved after her and yelled "see you on The Knee after school then" Amity secretly thanked whichever of her lucky stars had made Luz repeat herself because knowing that's what she agreed to she would've been mortified had she stood up the cute human like that.

Luz spent the rest of the day bubbling with energy, even more so than usual. She was raising her hand for every question during class, even when she didn't know the answer. She was complimenting everyone's clothes, their hairstyle, their eyes, anything really. Luz brightened many people's day with her extroverted remarks that day. Luz was just so happy, her weeks of hard work were going to pay off and impress Amity. She was over the moon, and by the end of the day she'd be on it.

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