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"Mushy-senpai-chan!" Blink called putting, from where he was holding Flowers, his duckling. "Do you, uwu, think that I am uwu-adorable!" He inquired.

Mush got down on one knee and began to recite Shakespeare. "My dearest Blinketh. Thou  art more adorable than the moon; so weeping and wailed!"

Blink blushed. "uwu? Mushy-senpai-chan, you think so???? *extra owo*?"

Mush nodded. "From the stars to the moonlight, I adoreth thee!"

Then Blink swallowed the duck whole, without even gagging. Then he blushed. "O-oh no ó^ò! Oops,,,," He pouted.

Mush shrugged. "Ducks needeth not worry, for Blinky my dearest existeh!!"

Then they ate duck for dinner together.

Blame Manhatten_Queer_ for this. Luv u Tyler <3333

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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