Mommie Dearest Times Two

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I have been a very busy person with a new husband and now since the Disney trip I believe my sons friends mothers have decided not to pick up their children. Ray, Janet, Edward have caring for them for the most part. Unfortunately the hospital doesn't allow non family caretakers sign for emergency appendectomies. Ray called and told me Eric was brought in by ambulance and has to have surgery. I am working my overnight in the research project and can't leave. I call and check if Grace is on duty and see what can happen.
I got called in on an appendectomy and see Ray Steele along with Josh and James. Janet and Edward were there too. When they see me they tell me it is a close friend that was at their home. They can't reach his mother to get her here to sign for the surgery. The child needs immediate surgery. We finally have to see if they can be tracked down. Christian walks over to me and Taylor has finally located mommie dearest at a bar. She is being brought in to sign the documents for surgery.
Jackie Jones Eric's mom
I was having a blast and about to get my groove in when this marine type interrupts my fun by telling me my kid is in the ER. I will kill the Steele's if anything happens to Eric. He pulls me out of the bar and puts me into the back seat of a luxury car. I make to the hospital and there is Christian Grey waiting in the ER standing by Ray Steele. He tells me I need to sign for emergency surgery now. A lady dr hands me the paperwork and I sign where she indicates. I barely hear what she says when I am handed coffee by the guy who drove me here. I find Christian Grey and try to sit by him, I am stopped by another guy asking me to find another place to sit. I jump Rays case about us being in the ER since my son was in his care and all. He tells me that since Eric has not been home in over a month I have a lot of nerve telling him about being in the ER.
Ray Steele
Allen Richardson is also with us. Another boy we have had a while. We contacted Rhonda and she was far to busy to pick him up. I can't believe these people have these wonderful children and just don't bat an eye at leaving them at someone's home they hardly know. I call my attorney to see what can be done about this situation. She says that the foster care is sending someone to our home to check it out along with Janet and Edwards home.
I finally am able to go see Eric and find out his mom had to be brought in by Taylor. Christian has left for work, and Grace has gone home to sleep after being there all night. Dad, Janet and Edward are still there. They drove Josh, James and Allen to school. They let the school know about Eric's condition. They are used to us calling about him, sadly. I am trying to see Eric when his mother yells at me asking why her son was so sick and where was I at when he was brought in by ambulance?
Ana just where were you at when my child had to be brought in by ambulance? I leave him in your care and look what happens to him he nearly dies due to your negligence. She slams me against the wall, which is a bad move on her part, my CPO gets her off me and places her in a hold and asks her where was she at when she was called over and over about her son needing medical treatment.
Listen lady this situation of them caring for your child while you are out living carelessly and drinking and not caring where your child is is coming to an end. Along with child support from your ex husband. Not to mention alimony. But if you touch Mrs Grey one more time you will be behind bars. Eric is your child not mrs Greys and not mr Steele's and not the Roberts. But they were the ones who got him medical treatment after trying for hours to tell you he was ill they had no choice but to have him taken to the hospital. It took mr Greys driver dragging your drunk ass here and sign for him to get treatment that saved his life. CPS is going to be having a chat with you today, I recommend you stay sober and don't beat up the woman whose home your son lives in daily while you do nothing to provide yourself as his mother. As far as I am concerned you are nothing more than an egg donor. Sorry mrs Grey she doesn't deserves that young man as her son.
No it's okay Sawyer, I am going to check on him and head home after I make  sure he is okay and find out how he is doing. I walk in the room and see a man rubbing Eric's hand showing concern for him.
Samuel Jone Eric's father
I finally found Eric and he nearly died for it to happen. I ignore my ex wife's tirade outside of the room. I was informed by several people about what has been going on with Eric and his mothers neglect of him. Apparently he found a friend who had a wonderful family and they basically adopted him into their family and that is the only reason he is still alive. I left a message for my attorney to get full custody of Eric as soon as possible. She has been hiding him from me by using fake names to rent and to get work and put him in school. The missing child reports somehow were never put into the system.
Hi can I ask who you are? He tells me the whole story and I am dumbfounded. We chat a bit more and Jackie walks in and glares at both of us. I see Sawyer walk in and places himself beside me.
I finally make to to the hospital after Sawyer tells me Ana was attacked by Eric's mother. I walk into the room and see Jackie glaring at Ana and the guy holding Eric's hand. Sawyer is preventing any issues of Jackie getting near Ana. Jackie heads towards me and Taylor stops her. I kiss Ana and hold her in my arms while Jackie snarls at her. They guy introduces himself as Eric's father,
Hi I am Eric's father and thank you for getting him to the hospital. I understand my ex wife was out partying as usual. I.might need you and your family and security to speak to my attorney about all of this and anything else you might be able to tell us about my sons life with my ex wife and his drunk mother. She took off with him without my knowledge or permission.
CPS Aaron Rose
I walk in and se what seems like a tense situation. I ask to talk to the parents alone. Two guys who look like body guards and a young couple leaves us. Leaving me with Eric's parents if that is what you can call them, since he has been basically living at his classmates home. His mom had to be repacked down after she was called numerous times by several people. Then you walk in drunk. Barely making it in time for your poor son to be saved by a surgeon. Apparently he died on the table twice.
Well Ana was supposed to be taking better care of him than she was. It is her fault he nearly died not mine. She was at work instead of home with her kids and my boy.
CPS  Rose
Seriously? Listen I have only a little of the whole story,but according to mr Steele Eric has been living with them for so long they have a bedroom for him. They also tell me you haven't been to see him for a year. Mr Jones can you tell me why you haven't been to see him at all
Samuel Jones
She has been hiding him from me since our divorce years ago, before he started school. I have had to wait until his name appeared on and ambulance run. I have my paperwork right here. I hand her my papers and ask that she make copies and give me the originals.

Lost In The PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora