Chapter one: Our curse

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"We're all born once, born into this sinful place. Children suffering from the deeds of people we never knew."
Every morning an evil spirit comes to our cell door to give us breakfast. Every evil spirit had a different personality, but the spirit was the same.
At dusk, the angels came. They wielded weapons of unrivaled wickedness and gruesome tortures. The screams of souls in agony powered the walls of heaven and kept our eternal prison afloat amidst the stars. We were nicknamed "screamers"
I am turning 10 today. My screams have grown deeper and no longer has the screeching sounds it once did.
Today our torture goes up by another class. At least the lesser angels let us rest a bit. They were more compassionate.
The older you get, the more excruciating the pain is. The more evil the angel you meet will be.
An archangel will be assigned to me. They have mighty wings and large arms. They can cut you into shreds and piece you back together with their magic.
This is the simplest of tortures they are capable of.
We heard rumors that archangel Uriel boils the blood of his screamers from inside the body till the skin melts like wax. He then cools you down and repeats the process for 2 weeks straight.
archangel Gabriel slowly crushes the bones of his screamers from the inside and then makes the crushed bones grow and pierce the skin from inside out until the screamers have entire bodies covered in blood and bone.
archangel Raphael gave his screamers the option of screaming on their own, at the top of their voice. If the screams are not of the right decibel, he then slowly pushes a 3inch thick metal bat with long spikes up the asshole of his screamers until the bat reaches your lungs.
"Joy comes in the morning". Not for us screamers, as those whose screams have faded will have to die and be reincarnated with all their memories of past screams. They begin the process again from sphere 3 of angels to sphere 1.
Rumors have it that any screamer that goes beyond sphere 1 and whose voicebox can withstand the torture of the Seraphim will then become an angel.
I have been reincarnated 320 times and I have never made it beyond archangel Raphael.
What scares me the most isn't going beyond archangel Raphael or Gabriel or even Uriel. It is the fact that Raphael is the least angel in the archangel class and the archangels are the second smallest class in the 3rd sphere. This means to become an angel, I must go beyond the 1st sphere of angels and I don't even know what they are called.
"They are called Seraphim" a voice whispered.
"Who's there! How are you in my head?" I whispered, looking confused and scared.  No one answered.
The screamers who made it beyond the angel stage were on their way  to meet God.
This is my 130th time meeting him or rather hearing his voice. I remembered every word he always said to the screamers who made it here.
The hallway to the meeting room was Golden and so sparkly I felt like I was staining it just by passing through it.
We all felt that way.
"Hello screamers! Welcome to the next level of your service to heaven. You have all done so well to get here..."
I began muttering the words along, I have heard this over a hundred times. Suddenly I was interrupted by a voice in my head
"Do you want to leave this hell of a heaven?"
"Yes of course!" I screamed forgetting I was before the voice of God.
"Who dares interrupt my recorded speech. No one has interrupted me in a thousand years. Step forward!"
Trembling in in fear, I took my right leg forward in an attempt to move forward. As my toe tip touched the floor in front  of me, my leg began to wither away into ash from my toes all the way to my waist.
I saw my own leg grow old, die and turn to ash before my eyes. I screamed so loud it shook the room.
"Amazing! This one really knows how to scream. I should take your second leg as well"
And in that moment, my second leg began to wither. I was so overwhelmed with fear and pain, I screamed so much my body vibrated. The entire room vibrated along with it.
"He is the one! The chosen one! The screamer we have waited ten thousand years for. Take him away!" Said the voice in excitement.
My eyes were sealed shut by their Powers and I was dragged away. I couldn't dare say a word for fear of being left in this condition forever. I loved my legs, I didn't know their value until now.
As I drew near to my cell, my eyes opened and I caught an inscription on the wall "Animus gravis est scriptor" it translated to "The soul's grave"
A place where you die and your soul is never revived. In this place, you scream your final and loudest scream from immense torture; Forever.
All the pain I felt couldn't possibly compare to what awaited me in this place.
This is not how I want it to end.
"Then do something about it!" Said the voice in my head.
"You fucking bastard! You left me when my legs were growing old and withering" I shouted.
"Watch your tongue, human!" He replied.
"Human? How am I human? Aren't humans God's chosen race?" I replied in awe.
"Chosen race my foot! You were created with the best voice of all creatures for a reason" he said
"The ones with sweet voices sing praises to uplift God, the rest of you scream in eternal pain to keep heaven in the skies. You were also created as food for your God. You have the sweetest blood."
"If you want to leave this accursed place, you need to withstand the Cherubim and reach the Tree of Life. I will meet you there"
"The Cherubim will put your hands through a metal fiery wheel that shreds your flesh and bones into minced meet while roasting you alive, nice and spicy"
"God likes minced meat."
"How do I make it to the Cherubim? I barely withstood the angels." I asked
"Before now you were alone, now you have me. Compared to me a Cherubim is a but a mere principality"
"Who are you?" I asked
"I am Beelzebub! The first ever Seraphim! The Mightiest Fallen Angel there is and second only my own God, Lucifer!"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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