Quirk Test

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Mr. Aizawa called Bakugo up and told him to throw a ball, but to use his quirk. Bakugo smiled that insane looking smile and then prepared to throw.

"DIE!" He shouted. I flinched as he released an explosion that blasted the ball away. Mr. Aizawa held up his score. 705.2?!? Apparently Bakugo was a lot stronger than I thought.

We got ready to do more tests and I frowned when Mr. Aizawa spoke up again. "Whoever is in last place at the end of this will be expelled."

I did well, I guess. Nothing stood out too much, except for my ball throw. I got almost 1000 on that. Weather control wasn't as useless as I thought, apparently. My quirk wasn't suited for the majority of these practical tests.

I ended up seventeenth out of twenty. (There is no Sero, sorry) "L/n. I was told that your true potential would not be shown in these tests. Is that true?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Yes. My quirk is better for long range effects."

"Can you explain to us what your quirk is? It might be useful for you guys to know how different types of quirks work."

"Well, my quirk is kinda a four-in-one package deal. It's called Siren. The four different parts are Weather control, water control, illusions, and Siren Song. All of them are voice activated. Siren Song... it sways anyone who hears it to do my bidding. I try not to use it too often or I will become more and more like the mythical sirens, and possibly even attack other people. Weather and water control can also be activated due to immensely strong emotions, like anger or sadness. Bakugo knows this first hand." I smirked. Everyone turned to stare at him.

"Man, what did you do?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo's face turned red and he murmured something under his breath. "What?"

"I SAID THAT SHE WAS PROTECTING DAMN DEKU!" He shouted. Izuku shuddered.

"And I was right to. You really are an ass to him. Besides... it's your fault for making me choose." I said the last bit quietly, but I could tell he heard me.

"I..." For once he didn't say anything.

"L/n, can you demonstrate your quirk for us?" I nodded. I hummed a few notes, and the sky darkened. It started to rain, and I hummed a few more notes, and above us the water collected so we didn't get wet. Then I made it seem like we were falling. A few people gasped, and one or two shrieked. Then I stopped it all.

"Are you comfortable with showing us a bit of your Siren Song."

"No." I said quickly. Bakugo stared at me. "Actually..."

(1:13 to end)

My voice echoed eerily even though we were in a wide open spade. People began to sway I directed the powers of my voice to Bakugo.

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment

Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of sha~dows

Bakugo's eyes glazed over and he started walking over to Izuku. When he reached him, he stared right at Izuku. "I'm sorry for everything I've ever said or done." He said. I smiled.

All of my new classmates all stared at me in shock. "Wow! So you can make us do whatever you want?" Mina asked.

"Sounds kinky..." Mineta grinned grossely.

"Um, no... I honestly hate making people do things they don't want to do... but he needs to learn that he isn't as high and mighty as he thinks he is." I sighed. "I wish he would do things like that for real. Then maybe..."

Bakugo shook out of his daze. "WHAT THE HELL, PRINCESS?!? WHAT DID YOU MAKE ME DO!?!" He screamed.

"Oh, yeah. You don't always remember what happens when I use Siren Song... but I can give you those memories back if I want to. For him... probably not in this case." I laughed.

"So cool~" Mina sighed. "I wish I had a quirk as cool as that..."

"Nonononono! You're quirk is awesome!" I ran up to Mina and hugged her. Already this was an awesome class.

No matter how cheery the vibe was now, everyone recalled the sound of my voice, and how for a moment while I had been singing, they had seen a woman with a black tail and bloody red eyes singing to them from a rock on the ocean in the distance.

No matter how cheery the vibe was now, everyone recalled the sound of my voice, and how for a moment while I had been singing, they had seen a woman with a black tail and bloody red eyes singing to them from a rock on the ocean in the distance

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Not Mine^

-Later, after school-

I was on my way out of the school when I was pinned to the wall by none other than Bakugo. "Oi Princess... what was that?" He pressed me for answers. "Who was- no, what was that creature we saw?"

My breath quickened. He... saw something? "Before you made me do... whatever you did, I saw a woman... with a black tail... sitting on a rock surrounded by skulls. Did you do that?" I shook my head. I  thought it over for a moment.

"What you saw... was a siren. I think... it has to do with mesmerizing the people who hear the Siren Song..." I answered. To be honest, I have no idea why he saw a siren.

I walked away as he stood there silently. This boy...what was his deal? He hates me before I leave, and the second I'm gone he gets all anxious, and starts asking about me when I say I'm coming back? Ugh... my headache is back... I need to relax... talking to Izuku should help me with that, right?

I pulled out my phone and tapped on his name.

Y/n: Hey, Izuku, can you come over tonight? I wanna talk.

Cinnamon Roll: Sure, Y/n! I'll be there at five.

Y/n: See you then. Here's my address: (Insert address)

I smiled softly and then made my way back home. Then I got another text. Must be Izuku...

Unknown number: Oi, Princess

Y/n: Bakugo? How did you get my number?

Unknown number: The nerd, idiot. I told mom you came back and she wants to see you, for some stupid reason.

Y/n: Okay, Baka-go. Tell her I'm free tomorrow night.

Unknown number: Whatever, idiot. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

I set Bakugo's name to 'Baka-go' and then turned off my phone. Guess I'll be seeing Mitsuki again tomorrow... she was always like a second mom to me. So was Inko, but Mitsuki was super cool. Not that Inko isn't cool, it's just they're cool in different ways.

I hurried home, hoping to take a little nap before Izuku got there. I was going to be staying up super late tonight, at that sleepover anyways.

End of Chapter.

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