Shut up Kiyondo-

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QueenOfLiars: Such a tough discussion, but I would say Hifumi

QueenOfLiars: Taka is fine and Hifumi is simply annoying

KingOfManga: (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)

TakaButBetter: Heheheh

QueenOfLiars: I mean the other Taka, Kiyondo you are also annoying and a earful

Takabutbetter: Thanks 😀👍

QueenOfLiars: No problem

PurestHallMonitor: Oh, well, thank you :D

QueenOfLiars: Again no problem

GangstaBaby: Anyways, Kiyondo I wanna ask you something

TakaButBetter: What?

GangstaBaby: Everytime you speak, makes me think that you took some shit

TakaButBetter: .

TakaButBetter: I did 😃

PurestHallMonitor: What?!

TakaButBetter: Shhhhh-

Butteredcorn: I'm- Im still happy that there's 2 of them

H4ck3r: Lol

???: Class 78 needs Help

Long Legs: Kirigiri, I agree

TakaButBetter: No we need Jeus, my new god ☺️💅

PurestHallMonitor: This is the 10th Jeus joke you made this week

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PurestHallMonitor: This is the 10th Jeus joke you made this week... and it's Monday...

???: This is his first time saying this.

PurestHallMonitor: He won't shut up in PMs...

???: Oh, I see

TakaButBetter: C'mon Bro 😃 answer me in PMs rn


Butteredcorn: I'm on my way

TakaButBetter: Woah the hottie is coming over 🥵

Butteredcorn: I-

PurestHallMonitor: I regret getting him a phone

Hajigaybutbetter: ...

H0p3B4g3l and Hajigay went online

H0p3B4g3l: Izuru-Kun!

Hajigaybutbetter: Hello Nagito.

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