The start of...something

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Chapter Text
At the age of 3, Midoriya Izuku and his mother had a run-in with an un-named villain, and the outcome of said run-in changed Izuku's live, that run-in resulted in the death of Midoriya Inko. Izuku couldn't come to terms with Inko's death, as he just stood, staring out into no-where lifelessly. "Hey there, little guy, you feeling alright?", one of the police officers, who had arrived too late, asked. Izuku just kept on staring into nothing with the dull, green eyes that had once been filled full of life. At this point in time Izuku just wanted to talk to his mother, but that wasn't going to happen ever again. The police officer seemed to have been nervous to talk to Izuku, this child has just lost his mother and he has no idea how to comfort the boy. So doing the best thing the police officer could think of, he asked for someone else to take care of the child.

After being told there was a child who seemed unresponsive on the scene, Tsukauchi was pointed towards the unresponsive child. As Tsukauchi got to the location, he saw a child with dark green hair, "Midoriya Izuku?", Izuku stayed still for a while, until he gave a small nod, still looking out into nowhere, with dull green eyes. "Right well, we're going to take you up to a hospital to check if you've got any injuries, is that alright?", another small nod came from Izuku. Izuku hadn't even realised that he'd moved into the ambulance, he was to busy thinking about how he was going to become a hero so that Inko's death wasn't in vain, he was going to become a hero even if he didn't get a flashy, cool quirk that just meant he was going to have to train even harder to become a hero.

As Izuku entered the hospital, he was quickly escorted to room, and was scanned for any external and internal injuries. It turns out that during the run-in with the villain, that had taken his mothers life, that he was hit pretty hard in the back of the head, but that was the only physical damage that Izuku had suffered. However, the police had found out that Izuku would only give a nod or a shake of the head as answers for the questions that the police asked Izuku. As most of the people who came to talk to Izuku found that he was traumatized after losing his mother.

After 2 weeks of staying in the hospital, Izuku was sent to an orphanage, he was also given therapist sessions, and while he didn't usually respond verbally, he definitely did feel at ease when speaking to the therapist. It took around 4 months for Izuku start to respond verbally, and nearly 1 and a half years for Izuku to have a full conversation with his therapist. Izuku was finally starting to feel comfortable, and was beginning to get friendly with everyone in the orphanage, and everyone at school. at school he made a best-friend called Katsuki Bakugo, or as Izuku called him "kacchan" because it was hard for Izuku to pronounce Katsuki or Bakugo.

However, that all went down the drain when Izuku's quirk started to manifested at the age of 5 and a half. Izuku was currently in the playground sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall, reading a book about the many different quirks that heroes had, Izuku had taken up learning about quirks as a hobby, as his therapist had said that he should take up a hobby to distract himself from losing his mother. almost every year Izuku had asked for notebooks to write about quirks. So as Izuku was intently read about quirks, wandering what his quirk will do once it manifests, when suddenly he sees an ant on his hand. Izuku flung his hand in order to get the ant off, but, it somehow stayed on, so Izuku tried to flick it off with his free hand, and yet it still stayed on.

With no observable way to get the ant off of his hand, he decided to go and see the school nurse. It was then that he realised that it looked as if the ant was part of his skin. The school nurse had called a member of staff at the orphanage to come and collect Izuku and take him to a quirk doctor, as it looked to be part of his quirk. Whilst Izuku was waiting to be collected from school, he took a moment to observe the ant that was on his hand, however when he looked, he couldn't find the ant anywhere. That's odd, Izuku thought, he was pulled out of thought as he heard one of the orphanage staff members enter the school. "Izuku, are you ready to go?", the orphanage said, in a sweet voice, not holding any sort of negative feelings. Izuku nodded frantically, indicating he was more than ready to find out what his quirk is, if he had one.

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