Ch1. The idia

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Its a beautiful knight, and all is well and peiceful. In my head atleast. I try to sleep as i cram(now available in stores in very berry flavour) my big ass head into my pillow.

My annoying ass arrogant brothe is having a frat party downstairs. Its fucking 3 in the morning and uts still going on! I try and try to sound out the cardi b music from downstairs out of my virging ears, non other than my brothe appears in my doorwae.

"B-brO u goTta GEt d-DOwn herE! TH-is ParTy iS crAYz!!!" hes obviously drunk as hell. "Genji pls just end the party already! It is now 4 in the fucking morning." "Awwwwww c-Cmin brO! JuS Cum oN! A l-lITtle ParTyiNG nevEr HUrt No1!" I push his annoying ass out my room so i can go bacc 2 being the always alone kid. Im pretty sure i hear him fall down the stair over the barti c music.

Wtvr. Sigh, i wish i had a frend who could listen 2 mw complain 24/7 :'(. Wait, that gives me an idiam!....

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