Chapter [1] - A Party for Maniacs

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[Author's  note] : 

*Credits to my friend, KeithAdrianNolido, for helping pick out the title of the story. xD 

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Oh no. Not this again.

My 18 year old brother has yet again thrown another party at our house. My dad was constantly out of town and I had just gotten home from my best friend, Jade Plummer's house. Standing just out on the front porch, I told myself that I should've seen this coming. I cringed as I entered the house. The smell of alcohol and the sound of loud music drifted all over the place.

I was about to go looking for my brother when I was suddenly caught by the arm and dragged to the corner of the room. I jerked my head around and saw one of my brother's friends. He smelled of alcohol and sweat. I squirmed, and punched him in the face with my free hand. Blood began to trickle down his nose and he laughed, a deep, evil laugh - like the ones super villains use when they hatched a diabolical plan.

He let go of me then and I ran forward, bolting up the stairs. I wanted to be anywhere but here. I panted as I made my way to my room. I was hearing weird noises from outside. I barged in and was about to throw up when I saw a couple sprawled on my bed, half naked.

At the sight of me, they scrambled off the bed grabbing what was left of their clothes and left the room. I knew I had the worst brother ever. He should never have thrown this party in the first place. But this was so like him. I knew the second I left the house that something bad was going to happen.

This was what I get for having such a delinquent brother. My parents always had a problem with him. He was a rebel, and liked doing things his way. Why did dad leave me here with him, anyway? All I wanted was to get home, watch some TV and maybe get some sleep. But now, none of that was ever going to happen because of him.

Frustrated and angry, I was determined to find my brother, PJ, and tell him to get these people out of here. I scoured the entire second floor. His room was a mess, but otherwise left untouched. Nobody had been in there. My parents' room was also untouched, seeing as it was locked. PJ must have locked it so that nobody would enter.

Heading downstairs to the kitchen, I saw a flurry of people I didn't even know, dancing around and drinking alcohol. The stench was so strong that I had to hold my breath. Broken plates and beer bottles were scattered everywhere. I scrunched my face in disgust. My brother was no where to be seen.

"Janie," Someone from behind me called. I whirled around and saw a guy I recognized as Chad Nichols. I've seen him at least once or twice around the house last month. He was one of my brother's close friends, but I never really liked him. I never really liked any of PJ's friends. I stared at Chad with loathing and stomped passed him without acknowledging his presence. "Janie!" He called again, but I refused to turn back.

I squeezed passed all these strangers and headed for the backyard. If my brother wasn't inside the house then he was bound to be outside. I stepped out the house and saw PJ, chugging on a bottle of beer. Everyone around him seemed to be doing the same thing.

Discovering that my hunch was correct, I made a beeline for him and tried to catch his attention. I thought he was going to give me his usual cocky grin and alcohol breath. He turned around but instead of acknowledging his little sister, he swung his beer bottle at me, trying to smash my head into heavy glass. I ducked just in time.

He was drunk and clearly out of his mind. "PJ, it's me, Janie, your sister." I reasoned, as I backed away from him. But PJ was too drunk to even get my words into his head. Beer bottle in hand, he swung at me and I backed away even farther, bumping in to one of his drunken friends out on the back yard.

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