906 15 2

REQUESTED BY alice10218




A bank heist was the problem the group of 7 teens were being forced to fix. To say y/n also called number 8 by her father, was nervous was an understatement but she couldn't show it. She wasn't allowed. She had to acts as if nothing scared her.

One major problem was she had trouble controlling her abilities, when she under pressure or nervous. She was learning to but it's a lot harder then anticipated.

Y/n followed Allison into the bank and made her way over to a lager man tying ropes around the hostages legs and wrists in the corner of the bank. She tapped his shoulder causing him to turn around.

"excuse me sir"She smiled innocently

"How'd you get untied?!"the man asked anger fillings his voice. Y/n frowned my eyebrows. Someone isn't paying attention.

"You're bad at tying knots"She shrugged with a chuckle

The man looked pissed, extremely pissed. He then began to walk closer to her. Y/n quickly held her hand out causing a large root to erupt from the ground and wrap around the mans leg pulling him to the floor.

Y/n smiled. "I did that!! Yes!!"she jumped with excitement.

Y/n celebration was cut short when she realised the the roots hadn't stopped growing. Y/n breathing got heavy as she tried to stop the roots, but nothing she did worked. She thought they'd stop as soon as she took her mind of the task but unfortunately she was wrong.

Y/n felt a root slither up her back and reached her neck, before y/n had time to do anything the root had tightly wrapped itself around her neck. Y/n let out a gasp. She tugged and pulled at the root but it didn't move it just continued to tighten.

As y/n felt her body weaken the pressure around her neck was suddenly lifted. The root along with all the others fell limp onto the ground. She turned your weak body to face her boyfriend, Diego.

Although she was relieved to see he had saved her Diego looked annoyed.

She didn't even the chance to say thank you before Diego said.

"Come on, we've got to finish this mission"with that he walked off.

You knotted your eyebrows together trying to wrap her head around what just happened. Although she felt dizzy she attempted to help continued the mission.


"What was that about?"y/n asked calming walking into Diego's room

"What do you mean?"he asked

She huffed "at the bank"

"You almost got yourself killed! You were being stupid and not paying attention!"he spat

Y/n felt her heart sink. He had never yelled at her, Y/n felt tears form in her eyes. She bunk a couple of tile attempting to stop the tears from falling but it only made it worse.

The tears that once filled her eyes were now falling down her cheek. Diego noticed and immediately felt horrible. He got up and hugged y/n but she didn't hug back.

"Y-y/n I'm s-s-sorry, I-I-I didn't want to m-m-make you c-c-cry"Diego said. His stuttered very prominent.

Y/n sniffed looking up at Diego, now she felt guilty. She felt bad for being out Diego's stutter. Y/n wiped her tears before bringing Diego into a hug.

He had never been the most affectionate person, but even he knew he needed a hug.

"Diego, it's ok just breath"y/n brushed one of her hands through his hair attempting to calm him down.

"I'm so sorry"he said gently pushing his body away from hers "it's just when I saw your body get weak"he stopped

"I just don't want to lose you, I love you so much"He said Y/n's cheeks became flustered.

She had never heard those words come out of his mouth. "I love you too"she smiled.

Diego gently lifted y/n's chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips. It wasn't until this moment that y/n fully realised how safe she felt in Diego's arms. She was grateful to have him in her life.




This is kinda bad...not going to lie but I hope you enjoyed this :) I haven't proofread it yet bc it's late and I need to sleep but I wanted to finish this. I have another request that I'll be posting tmw :)

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