Fine Line

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"Since we're alone
Yeah, you can show me your heart
If you put it all in my hand
No, I swear
No, I won't break it apart
Yeah, since we're alone
Show me all that you are
And if you get lost in the light
It's okay, I can see in the dark
All your thoughts running through your head
The things you think better left unsaid
Just wanna know where you came from
Why would you wanna play someone else?
I love you best when you're just yourself
Yeah, you're everything I want"



I'm never drinking again. Mark my words.

My head feels like it might explode any minute, my body is heavy and I feel completely worn out. I feel nauseous and my mouth tastes like shit. Actually, if I'll ever eat trash, I think this the flavour it would leave in my mouth. Gross.

I need to pee and while I am at it, I think I also need to throw up and maybe drink some water and wash my teeth - multiple times - but I'm scared shitless to open my eyes and find out where I am because I'm 90% sure the bed I'm laying on is not mine. The sheets are too soft to be mine, and the pillows smell familiar but I can’t really recognize the perfume. I’m not even sure I’m feeling my nostrils right now if I have to be honest.

Last thing I remember about last night is... I'm not completely sure. I have flashes of some moments with Carter and Josh, of me alone at the bar counter and of me dancing with a boy.

Oh lord... I had a one-night-stand, didn't?

Stupid, Noelle. Very stupid.

Slowly, I open my eyes and immediately close them when the light in the room makes my head hurt, even more, making me squeeze my eyes so tight I actually feel dizzy.

Taking a few breaths to calm myself down, I try again, and this time I actually manage to keep my eyes open long enough to get a glimpse of the room before a rush of nausea hits me on full force.

What the fuck am I doing in Harry's room? How did I end up here? What have I done?

Paying attention to the ache in my body I slowly try to sit up, keeping my eyes close and again try to take deep breaths that only make me want to throw up even more.

When I'm finally able to rest my back on the headboard, I run a hand over my face and hair, gather all my courage and peek my eyes open, looking around me.

Okay, so I didn't have sex with that guy. Or at least, I didn't go home with him.

Did I have sex with Harry?

Nah. He would never take advantage of me while I was plastered, he is not like that, and now that I can finally feel my body, I notice I'm not sore down there - besides the general stiffness. Which I should be if had sex last night.

Looking around the bed my eyes land on what I'm wearing and an awkward chuckle leaves my mouth while my cheeks turn crimson red. I can't believe I'm wearing this.

My fingers run over the fabric of the pink shirt with white polka dots and even more questions run through my mind, making it hurt.

Falling [Infinity sequel] H.SWhere stories live. Discover now