09 | pretty

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16:44 / TUESDAY.

When Yamamoto entered the gym, he was confused as all his teammates looked at him with anxious expressions. He didn't understand what was going on today; with Youko's odd request and the team's behaviour, there was no doubt he was missing something?

"What's with the looks," he asked, Lev towering over the group in curiosity.

Kuroo puts his hand on his hips, lips tilting in a smirk. "So you've met little Kim, huh?"

Yamamoto blushes at his suggestive tone, his eyes focused on the back of the gymnasium. "Y-Yeah— she kind of bumped into me while she was waiting for Kenma."

"Is that so?" Kuroo purrs, leaning forward with shifty eyes, "So what do you think? Pretty, right?"

Kozume furrows his brows to where his friend was taking this conversation, his head quirking to the side in irritation. However, what caused him to keep quiet was his own curiosity on the matter. It seemed that Youko have piqued everyone's interest at least a little bit.

"I-I mean... she's pretty cute if I'm being honest— nice too!"

Kuroo pouts, huffing as he straightens his posture. "Not a good enough answer," he mumbles to himself, Kozume gawking at Kuroo in amazement. He scoffs to himself afterwards.

"I think we're getting off track here," Yaku interrupts. "Kimura will be back any second and we haven't even made teams yet."

"Well, with her we're ten in total, so we can start from there," Inuoka suggests, Fukunaga standing next to him, raising his hand.

Kai quirks his brow. "Do you want to play with her?" he asks him.

Fukunaga nods in response.

"I wanna play with Kimura too!" Lev shouts, Yaku pinching his nose.

He grumbles. "I think everyone wants to play with her, but that's not gonna happen. So can someone be the bigger person and just make some fair teams?"

"Kuroo, what position does Kimura usually play?" Kozume asks, the middle blocker glancing in his direction.

He snickers. "She doesn't really have one... but I do have an idea of where to put her."

Kozume deadpans after Kuroo seems to have said something funny, the captain cackling to himself. Yet, the screeching sound comes to a halt after the ace speaks up from all the chattering.

"Oh! Kimura told me before she left that she wanted to be on my team," he announces, Kuroo snapping his head in Yamamoto's direction.

Kuroo walks up next to him, narrowing his eyes. "I'm finding that hard to believe."

"I'm just the messenger alright. If you don't believe me ask her yourself."

"Ask me what?"

The gym becomes silent, Youko's hands darting to her uncovered arms. She didn't like how the boys got so quiet, especially since she unknowingly brought all the attention to herself again.

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