To See You

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls
First time writing so constructive criticism is nice (don't be too mean I'm kinda sensitive)
I have used some scenes and lines from the show so that's if you recognize some of the writing.
Sorry for any bad grammar.


“You cheated on me?”

“No I did not, Rory!”

“Oh so you mean to tell me that you didn’t sleep with all of your sister’s bridesmaids?! Oh sorry no, you slept with two of them but just messed around with the other one!”

Rory no! Please we had broken up!”

“No Logan! You were broken up! I had thought that we were just on a break! I was gone for like two seconds and you didn’t even wait! You just hopped into bed with the first person you saw!”


“Don’t bother Logan, don’t come to the apartment tonight I’m packing up and I’m leaving! So now that it’s official take your pick of girls and go off with them!” and with that Rory stormed out of the room, she heard Logan call her name but she just ignored him tears now streaming down her face. She took a cab and headed back to the apartment. When they hit a spot of traffic she took her phone out and dialed the first person she wanted to talk to.



“Rory what’s wrong?” he could hear her voice quivering.

“Jess! He cheated on me!” she sobbed.

He was shocked he didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t bare hearing Rory like this, it broke his heart. All the thoughts of him breaking her heart came flooding in. He didn’t know what to say to calm her down. And before he could stop himself the words tumbled out of his mouth.

“Rory, come to Philadelphia.”

That was not what Rory was expecting but before she realized she had agreed.


_ _ _

When she got back to Logan’s apartment she opened the door and fell to her knees. After calling Jess, she had called her mom straight away. Her mom was going to be here any moment bringing with her pizza, bags and bags of Al’s Chinese food, ice cream, their favorite movies, Kleenex and a shoulder for Rory to cry on.

When she finally got up again she decided that she waited for mother she might as well start to pack up her things. She was half way through her third box of books when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the rocket on her bedside table, when she saw it she burst into tears all over again, luckily before she fell to her knees again, Lorelai burst through the doors. She dropped all her supplies onto the pool table and rushed over to soothe her daughter. She saw the rocket and made a mental note to hide it away when Rory wasn’t looking.

“Rory, it’ll all get better. Don’t worry.” She started to run her hands through her daughter’s hair. She wiped away her tears, before a new wave could arrive, and lead her to sit on the sofa. She held out three movies for Rory to choose from, ‘Hardbodies’, ‘Casablanca’ and ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory’. When Rory pointed at ‘Casablanca’, she put it VCR player, handed Rory a large tub of vanilla ice cream and a spoon then huddled next to her daughter.

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