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"So here's the room you'll be staying in for the remainder of the school year." The principal said to the 16 year old girl. She mumbled something under her breath and walked inside. Whats the deal, its so loud. She walked into the living area, finding a group of students playing video games.

"Uh...hello." she spoke quickly and quietly. One of the students, a boy, looked over and smiled.

"You must be the new roomie right? Come, sit and introduce yourself." He clapped his hands to get the others attention. They all looked over at the girl standing behind the couch.

"Uh ok. Um, hi I'm Cameron but you can call me camie. What about you guys?" Camie pulled a chair from the dining table and sat down. They fell silent and looked around at each other. Finally the first boy spoke.

"I'm James," he pointed to the other guy on the couch. "This is Charlie, he's shy so he may not talk much." After some coaxing the rest of them spoke up and introduced themselves.

"I'm Morgan, its nice to meet you camie." The girl sitting in a recliner chair smiled. "And other there is spider. They're a really fun person to be around." They waved shyly at camie and went back to drawing.

"Their name is spider? Was that what their parents named them?" Camie asked.

"A-actually, I named m-myself that. Im... nonbinary." Spider spoke softly, not looking up from their sketch. Camie nodded and smiled.

"Alright, and spider's a cool name." Camie said. "Well I should put my stuff in my room." Camie stood up, put the chair back and walked back down to the hall. The talking between the three teens continued, as did the games.

"She seems like a nice girl." Morgan said, looking at her phone. The boys mumbled in response while playing. Morgan got up saying, "I'm gonna go make sure Camie found her room ok." She walked down the hall to the last door before the exit. In the room morgan found Camie looking in the mirror, playing with a strand of hair.

"Need help unpacking?" Morgan asked while looking into the mirror. Cameron jump slightly, not noticing that she had been crying.

"Uh, sure." She smiled. Camie walked to her bed and opened her suitcase to start unpacking. Out fell a small box, landing on the floor. Camie picked up the box.

-time skip-

"I should go back to my dorm now, bye everyone." Spider left the apartment. Camie looked at the clock and stood up.

"Im gonna take a shower, you guys should get ready for bed, we have schooll tomorrow." She walked to the bathroom. Camie turned on the water and began undressing. She looked in the mirror and looked at her body, feeling the tears in her eyes she looked away and hopped in the shower. I'm gonna cut my hair, my mother can't stop me anymore.

-time skip Cameron is out of the shower-

Its now or never I guess. She grabbed a pair of scissors and looked in the mirror once again and began cutting off her long brown hair. A smile creeped onto her face as she finished. With short hair she felt more like herself than she ever had. 

"I... I look like... me" she began to cry again, this time not stopping. The tears didn't stop until she heard a knock on the door.

"Cameron, you ok?" Charlie spoke quietly, slight concern in his voice.

"Hm, yeah I'm good. Sorry, I'll be out in a minute." Camie dried her tears and changed into pajamas. She quickly left the bathroom and walked to her room. Morgan was in the other bed scrolling on her phone. She looked up and gasped.

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