detectives au

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Day 24: Detectives AU

Kirishima just doesn't feel like doing his job.


"Okay, I know we're trying to uncover who this vandal is, but can we just stop at Fat's or something?"

Bakugou slowly turned to him, his expression unreadable. "You want to-What?"

"We never get actual food," he whined. "and I need food to live."

"We all need food to live, dumbass. And no, we're not stopping."

"But we're never gonna find him,"

"How do you know that?"

"He left for America two weeks ago."

Bakugou looked at him again with an expression between anger and bewilderment. But he was always angry. 

"You knew this vital," he shook his hands around "information, but didn't think to tell us and save about 20 hours?"

Kirishima grew a sheepish smile. "Oops, sorry."

"Yeah, you better be sorry. I won't once I beat your ass."

"Yeah, I deserve it."



Bakugou groaned. "Yeah, let's go to Fat's. Least they have fucking good food."

"Hell yeah! Thanks, Blasty!"

"Fuck off, Shitty Hair."

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