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Hajimeme was walking back to his cabin, thinking about Komatose's fat cake. His absolutely m a s s i v e shlong was getting large. He Started running, trying to get back to his cabin without thinking about Nagitoes thick, voluptuous ASS. He tripped and fell onto to his HUGE boner. Now Nagitoes is here.

"Woah Hajimeme! Where are you running off too?"

Hajimeme looked up.


as soon as he saw that fucking THICC BOOTY, he got up and ran to his cabin, slamming the door shut.

As soon as he was inside he started beating his goddamn shmeat at SONIC ESPED.

He whipped out his phone, beating his shmeat even fucking faster to the picture he took of Nagitoes Juicy a s s. He was beating his fucking shlong so hard that Nagitoes could hear and poor Kazuichi could feel the fucking vibrations from his cabin across from Hajimeme.

Then Nagitoes was there.

"Hajimeme, I am sick of you beating your shmeat to my absolutely perfect,shmexy, BOOTY CHEEKS."

Hajimeme was so scared his schlong was soft.

Then Nagitoes pulled out a Glock. Now Hajimeme was interested.

"I saw you staring at this here Glock of mine during the trial Hajimeme." Nagitoes said as he loaded the gun.

It was true, Hajimeme was staring at Komatose's thick Glock as well as his juicy ass. He couldn't help it though. They were just so shmexy. Hajimeme started beating his shmeat again.

"Well hajimeme, since you can't stop this I suppose a body will have to be discovered."

Komatose shot hajimeme in the fucking head, killing him instantly in the name of hope. Everyone slept better that night knowing hajimeme was no longer beating his shmeat.

Except Kazuichi. He ended up needing years of therapy to cope with the trauma of the Great Beat of 2012™.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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Hajime beats his meat then fucking dies Where stories live. Discover now