Chapter 1

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for anyone who doesn't know
(F/N) = first name
(L/N) = last name
(H/L) = hair length
(H/C) = hair color
(F/C) = favorite color
(E/C) = eye color
So without further adieu....let the story begin.
Len's P.O.V.
It was P.E.

The only class I had with (F/N).

Today our coach said we would play dodgeball.

Girls vs. Guys

It didn't seem too fair but no one wants to go against coach. He's suuuuuper scary.

The boys went to one side of the gym and the girls went to the other with the balls in a line in the middle.

Coach blew his whistle and everyone ran for the balls.

(F/N) was behind all the girls. She looked kind of nervous.

A while of playing there were about 10 boys left, including me, and 1 girl, (F/N).


I don't want to hit her!

There were a bunch of balls on the girl's side but still some one the boy's side.

A few of the boys started throwing. She ran around her side trying to dodge them.

A lot of people were laughing at her.

She looked really scared and obviously didn't enjoy all of the attention.

"Kagamine! Stop standing there and get in the game" coach yelled and I freaked out for a second before gaining focus.

Okay...I had to do this...
.........Sorry (F/N)......

A bit more later there were only 2 boys, including me, and the only girl was still (F/N).

Turns out she was really good at dodgeball!

She threw the ball and it barely missed me, but hit the guy behind me.

Dang it!

It was just me and her.

I...I really didn't want to hit her.

But if I didn't coach would be mad at me.

(Coach is also in charge of soccer so Len is always trying to make a good impression...)

What do I do?!

Before I can think a ball flies past me.

"C'mon Len!! Scared to hit a girl??" (F/N) yells with a small grin on her face.

I laughed "yeah right, (F/N)!"

After a while of dodging an throwing we were getting tired and everyone watching was getting bored.

When (F/N) zoned out for a second I threw the ball.

She realized what was happening at last second before getting hit really hard in the face.



(F/N) fell back onto the ground and rubbed her face.

A few people laughed, including coach.

"Looks like Len won! Again!!" Coach said smiling.

~~time skip of perverts in
the girls locker room~~

Len's P.O.V.
After changing back into uniform I saw (F/N) leaving the girl's locker room and I rushed over.

"(F/N)!" I said with a worried tone "Are you okay?! I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry!!!"

She smiled and giggled a little bit "I'm fine, Len! It's not like I'm dying."

I sighed.

"I-I'll make it up to you...I'll take you out to dinner on Friday! O-okay...?" I say nervously and I little quiet, blushing slightly.

(F/N) blushed a little too "o-okay..."

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